Chapter 22: Lost & Found

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(Few days later, Nightmare wanted some alone time, she takes a walk in a forest...)

Night looks around. She looks at the little animal down below, so she makes herself smaller a bit. Deers were running around, bunnies were hopping in bushes, snakes slithered, and birds were flying around Night's head. She smiles. When it starts to become dark, she hears crying in a cave.

She goes to the cave. "Hello?",Night said. The cave was so dark. Night goes in, but couldn't see anything, "anyone here?". She hits a rock wall, "ow..". The crying goes quiet. Then on the ground, night sees drops of energon blood. She was surprised. Night's optics glowed like flashlights to see better.

Nightmare sees a small mini-con. It was crying so much, she was injured badly and had scars. "Hello there...",she says quietly. The mini-con backed up because she was too scared.

"It's okay... it's okay.. I won't hurt you.. my name's nightmare...",she said.

She starts to sniffle.

"What's your name?..",she asked he mini-con.

She looked at her sad. "You don't know?",Night says quietly. She shakes her head once no. Night's tries to get closer to her. The mini-con stays in the spot. "You can trust me...",she says kindly.

"You look like a Melody.. that's it.. can I call you that, Melody?",Night says. Melody nods once and a little bit starts to gain her trust.

Night sticks her hand out to Melody. She slowly grabs her hand. "Come with me...",Night says. Melody couldn't walk, so Night gently picks her up and carries her like she's her child.

Nightmare clears her tears. Melody smiles softly. Night likes to act motherly to kids and sparklings. So, she heals her, then she sings a lullaby that she sings to her kids. Melody falls asleep. Night sighs quietly and looks at the night sky. The stars were sparkling the moon was bright and twilights were shining. Night slowly looks down at Melody sleeping.

"What happened to you?", Night asked quietly.

(Few minutes later)

She takes Melody to the ship. Starscream was waiting for her inside. Nightmare walks in with Melody.  She starts to wake up.

"Who's this?", Starscream asked.

"I found her in a cave in the woods...",Night answers. "I named her Melody."

Melody looks up at Starscream and hides behind Night's legs. She got scared.

"Is Megatron around?", Night asked. Mel nudged on her leg and shakes her head no quick. Melody was most terrified of Megatron.

"No he's not here...",Star says

The twins walk by with Alex. "Hi mum, who's this?" Melody looks at them.

(Few hours later)

"So.. how did you get here to Earth?", Nightmare asked Melody. She looked down.

"I came here in an escape pod, I was trying to escape Cybertron during the war... none of us survive. Some Decepticons blew up my friends' pods for escaping.. I was the only one to survive.. Is the war.. over?,"Melody said and asked Night.

"No.. it still continuing..",Night says.

"So the war must be continuing on Cybertron and it's coming. We have to end it.",Melody looked at her.

Night sighs. "Not coming, Melody... it's already here.."

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