The Night Of Our Lives

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Hey guys! How you doin?

So, it's almost the end! Bitter sweet xD

Here's the new UNEDITED chapter!:)


Chapter Nineteen: The Night Of Our Lives

They say it's the night you'll remember for the rest of your life. The night, where who you were for the past few years in high school is forgotten. The night, where, for once, everyone is united as one, not caring about differences, cliques, couples, or things that went down in the past. It is the final time we each take hand in hand, heart in heart, and pass the torch to the coming generation in an epic celebration known only as Prom!

The entire school was busy with preparation for the long-awaited event. As a result of being wait-listed in Melrose University, I had, as promised, joined the Prom committee to help prepare.

To be honest, it was the perfect pick-me-up. It kept my mind busy with lighting, themes, and decoration, and off my being wait-listed. Something told me I was jus not going to make it. However, I decided to remain hopeful. After all, I still hadn't received a reply from NYU. Besides, I could always go to any one of the many other colleges. The problem was that MU or NYU had been the two I wanted to get in to. NYU had been the one I really wanted. Their Writing/Literature program was known to be the very best. Deciding not to get my hopes up, I shook my head, and concentrated on the stereo I was helping place.

"Move it a little to the left, guys," ordered Kiara, the president of the Prom Preparation Committee, or the PPC as she would constantly remind everyone. She was oddly bossy when it came to Prom. She would be the sweetest person one second, then turn into a shark when Prom came into context.

Calvin, a fellow member of the committee, and I moved the stereo to the left as we were told.

"Perfect!" squealed Kiara, doing a little jump of joy.

We had to admit, though, she'd done an exceptional job with the decoration. The prom's main theme was 'A Night At A Hollywood Party'. The auditorium had been emptied of all chairs, and was now ready for use. A huge red carpet was extended from outside the auditorium doors to just inside. There were red and gold, fancy-looking, sash-like dividers on either sides of the red carpet. Members of the photography club had been hired to wait for the guests on either side of the door, and take their pictures as they arrived with their dates. Tables for food were put against the walls just below the stage, on which we'd set up the music gear, from instruments to DJ equipment, and stereos, which we had just set.

After that, the girls ordered calvin and I to leave so that they could put up the decorations.

"I don't want you two and your guy brains messing this up. So, leave!" Kiara said.

"Okay," we both mumbled.

"Good. Bye guys! Thanks for your help."

I bid Calvin a goodbye, then went down to the quad to enjoy what was left of my free period. On the way, I ran into Nick, who had just finished his Soccer practice, judging by the ragged, dirt-covered uniform he was wearing.

"Hey Nick!" I greeted.

"What's up, Matherson?"

"Nothing much. Just got out of practice?"


"The final match is tomorrow, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yup. Against Riverside. We are going to crush them!"

"The whole school's counting on that! Good luck!"


I nodded, then waved goodbye, as I passed him and continued my way to the quad.

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