Chapter 25

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Guess who's back? Back again...

"Are you looking for someone?"

Snatcher winced and turned around. And saw a girl with a light pink hair and one of Dweller's mask which she stole some day, sitting on a branch and playing with twigs.

"Stop appearing from nowhere and scare everyone!" he yelled.

"Do you need help?" Lulla ask and tilted her head.

Snatcher was suspiciously looking at her. "Why do you want to help? This doesn't make any sense. Also author in typical stories is not in his own work."

"You are looking for one girl..." Author-chan continued without paying any attention to him. "And I know where she is... Will you be happy if I told you where?"

"Why would you help me?" he repeated. "I thought you want to make this story as long as you can." Snatcher crossed his arms. Authors are so weird...

"Well yes, I want. But this plot is stuck. It need to push forward." she looked to her diary where she was writing everything about this story. "So I will tell you where you need to go to find her and the plot started to go again. We are near the climax (shit, it sounds like a title for some porn video (and don't pretend that you don't get that, I know what are you reading and writing)) Deal?"

"Tell me, Gondess of shitty stories..."

"Call me Shitlord."


"Buttercup?" Moonjumper called to the forests depths. The only reply was just echoing. "Where has she gone? What if something happen to her? What if Snatcher... No, she survived when they met. Twice. She must be okay..." he mumbled during his floating and finding [Y/N]. He started panicking.

"Stay calm. What would Rarity do?"

He thought for a while. Then he looked up. And floated higher to the tree's crowns.

"Buttercup?" he called again. Nothing. "Oh God, something must happened to her! What if she hurt herself? Or something attacked her? What if she fell to one of that cursed lake?! WHAT IF CAME A BIG PINK FLYING FISH AND SAT ON HER?! W H A T I F-"

"Feainnewed? Ess taedh yeá?"

Moonjumper looked from where the sentences sounded. He saw a girl standing behing him. If they were in cartoon she would have a question marks in her eyes instead of normal pupils. Suddenly her face turned to a total terror. Her pupils narrowed.

"Where ess Hattie?!" she yelped. Her skin became white like a paper on which is Author-chan drawing fucking cubes because one teacher is never satisfied with everything that she show to her.

"Don't worry. I'm taking care of her till the story will need her. Like in every AHIT fanfic!"

"She has the best pancakes I've ever had!" they heard a childish voice that belong only one person.

"Het ess... a baeg aedd weird."

Moonjumper nodded. "But don't worry about Hattie. She can take care of herself, also in Subcon isn't anything that could harm her. They really like her. Well... There's one exception...and I remember one really weird situation..."

"Ess taedh dice me?"

"...what?" Moonjumper tilted his head.

"Uhhh, ess taedh." she pointed at him. "Dice?" with hand she indicated speaking and pointed at her mouth.

"Oh, you want for me to tell you about that situation?"

"think that taedh dice what wanted."

"So," he started. "It was long time ago. I don't know how and why, suddenly there came a bunch of people. They were speaking really strange. Something like "Pichi boa, sadomasochista!" but I'm not sure. They burned about half of this forest and they left. Forest is still in flames by the way."
(I am thinking if it is a reference to an Amazon Rainforest)

"Het ess really weird. But they sound sympathic."

"Yes, and they thought that it would be fun to chain me to a horizon-"

Suddenly a microware hit his back of head.

"Don't say that word on 'H' again! I'm sick of that from lessons of Draw. She came to you, erase your whole work, started to speaking something about finding horizon and then she cover your eyes and "What do you see?". I hate that teacher!"

[Y/N] was looking at Lulla with a confusion in her sight. Artists must have it really hard but...she threw a microware! And there isn't any sign of microware!

"Yeá, yeá, caélm evellienn! Lulla, va vort. Feainnewed, why did taedh cáemm? Aé dice aé éigean some tedd alone."

"I..." he looked at the direction from where attacked him a microware. He heard only a giggle. "I just thought you need someone who will listen to you and..." he fucked up. So much.

[Y/N] tilted her head. He thought she will start to scold at him in Nowhere speech. But no.

"Esseath right. Aé éigean taedh."

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