Chapter 11

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    "Wait. This is YOUR?" [Y/N] walked in the middle of the Hattie's huuuge ship.

Brown-haired girl smiled. [Y/N] turned around and looked at her.

"This ess amazing!" girl from Nowhere happily jumped. "Hey, what ess het? An het? Ess het a rudder? And these buttons ess for what? Wh-Whoa!" she jumped from automatic doors which opened by her move.

"Het ess automatic!" Hattie could swear that in her eyes suddenly glimmered milion of stars. "That ess so funny!"

"Okay, okay!" girl with purple hat laughed. "But you really need take a bath."

She grabbed [Y/N] by her hand and went to a bathroom with her.

"So this was that... B-béth..."

'She's really nice' Hattie thought, 'Snatcher was talking about her like she was the meanest person of the world. But in fact she's very hearty. And that excitement for everything! Heartless monster? Nonsense!'

"Here. I have some clothes that could be in your size." Hattie gave her outfit that she found in her wardrobe. "You never know what will happen next so I am prepared for everything."


After [Y/N] took a bath, Hattie took her into her kitchen. It was the really nice furnished room. The walls were in the dark blue colour. In the middle was a rectangular table with four comfortable looking chairs. The shelves from dark wood were a perfect colour combination with a checkerboard floor.

"Feel like in your home."

"Het ess the most beautiful kitchen that have ever mire," the stars in [Y/N]'s eyes again appeared. "An essea neén dice het it because het ess te."

"I'm glad that you like my style."

"Yeá, het ese really good furnished. An the best ess het fridge in the corner."

Blue-eyed girl laughed.

"You are really hungry, aren't you?" asked Hattie and headed to [Y/N]'s centerpiece of attention.

"could eat an evall."

"Evall? That's...what?" Hattie asked and took from the fridge a milk.

"That is an animal. It's... It starts at H. It has four legs and it... Hhhh!" [Y/N] hit her forehead with fist. "I know that name but... Horse! Yes, horse!"

Hattie poured a milk into a bowl with cereal. Then a meal pushed into [Y/N]'s hand.

"So funny language. Say something, please."

[Y/N] first ate one spoon with cereal. When she swallowed it she said:

"Duettaeánn aef cirrán Cáerme Gláeddyv. Yn á esseáth."

"What that means?"

"If knew at least one half of that words in your language, I'd dice taedh het."

"Could you translate it approximately? It sounds reeeeeally interesting."

"Uhhh..." [Y/N] rubbed the back of her head. "Taedh ess making te future. And now, esse taedh now let me eat, please?"



[Y/N] laughed then again said:


"Werahrouv." Hattie again tried to speak in [Y/N]'s language. She failed. "It's so hard. How could you so smoothly speak in that speech?"

"Het ess the same as if asked taedh how taedh caén dice in te language. Impowltanth. So funny word."

"It's important." Hattie corrected.

"Beleam'graec sounds better."

Both laughed.

"That's more likely tongue twister."

"I agree."


   "I have one question. Why is the relationship between Feainnewedd and Savaedwedd so bad?"

"If you mean by that weird nicknames Moonjumper and Snatcher, I don't know. They were like that so long. I tried to calm them down but they weren't listening me."

"Aé mire. Could taedh please teleport me back? Aé eigeán to walk on fresh air and think about het."


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