Chapter Fourty Eight

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*Roman's POV *

We listened as the sirens from the ambulance filled the hall. I was relieved as I looked at Rita. She looked tired and the pain was etched into her beautiful features. I brought her hands to my lips.

"They're here baby," I told her.

She gave me a weak smile. We all watched as the EMT's walked with a gurney. One of them talked with the doctor as the others helped her onto the gurney. They began to insert needles and attach things to her chest and stomach. As she was being taken to the ambulance a tiny voice yelled for her. She looked over at a crying Emmie. Mom picked her up and whispered in her ear. She calmed down as I climbed into the back with Rita. She reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Our baby is on her way," she whispered.

I smiled brightly, "I know baby."

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"Ahhh! IT HURTS!" Rita screamed.

"Come babe you can do this," I told her.

She huffed a few times before she started pushing again. She grunted before she released flopping back onto the bed.

"One more big push Ms. Barnes," the doctor told her.

She looked completely exhausted. She hair was a curly bird's nest. Her makeup had ran due to the crying and sweating. She would have said she looked horrible but to me, she was absolutely beautiful. I leaned closer to her.

"I love you Rita. Once more honey," I whispered.

She weakly nodded before she inhaled and pushed. She squeeze my hand very hard as she gave it all she had. She yelled as she strained to push our baby from her body. She released my hand as her body went limp against the bed. She huffed as the most exquisite sound filled the room. Jasmine faint wimper.

"Do you want to cut the cord daddy?" the doctor asked.

I kissed Rita's head before I stood next the doctor. I cut the cord with a huge smile on my face. The nurses took her to get her cleaned up. I walked over to Rita. I removed the hair from her face and her eyes opened. I smiled down at her.

"She's beautiful," I said.

We listened as Jasmine wined while the nurse cleaned her up. Rita giggled before she began to cry. I held her until the nurse brought Jasmine over. She placed our baby in Rita's arms. The tears streamed down her face as little Jasmine calmed in her arms. I kissed the top of her head then pecked Rita's lips.

The room door opened and my mom and dad were the first ones in. Seth, Amber, Dean and Rachel followed with Emmie and Olivia.

Rita smiled as everyone beamed over Jasmine. She put her in my arms before I handed her off to my father. My mom kissed her head as they introduced themselves to their new grandchild.

"She looks like both Emmie and Olivia," mom told me.

Amber stroked Rita's head as she was falling asleep.

"My niece is beautiful. You two did good," Amber said.

Rita smiled but didn't open her eyes.

Olivia and Emmie climbed onto mom and dad to get a better look at Jasmine.

"She my little sister?" Emmie asked.

"Yes sweetheart she is," dad said.

"She's my little sister too. We are both big sisters," Olivia told Emmie.

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