Chapter Fourty Five

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Author's Note

I want to apoplgize for not updating in so long. I have alot going on. Between school, work and my family I don't have much free time these days. Plus I have been working on a new story. It is a Dean Ambrose fanfic. It called My Crazy Blue Eyes. Please check it out if you will. Anyways, here's the next chapter.

*Rita's POV*

"So how was it?" Nikki asked.

I looked up from my phone to see not only Nikki but all the ladies was awaiting my response. I made myself comfortable in the oversized plush recliner. We were sitting on the personal plane Nikki had convinced John to let us borrow for Amber's bachelorette party in. . . Playa Del Carmen. I know, I know it is a bit fancy for me but the pictures on the internet were gorgeous.

"It was fun. His mom is great. I had the best time with her & Emmie loves her already," I tell the girls.

It was Amber, Nikki, Cameron, Brie, Naomi, Paige, Emma, Natalya, Eva Marie, Rosa Mendes & two of Amber's friends from her hometown in Virginia. I was excited to be getting away but I was nervous about leaving Emmie behind.

"So the two of you get along good. I'm glad because you're going need her in your corner with Sika being the way he's being," Nikki said.

"Yeah, but Rita put him in his place," Eva said. " I was there."

"I'm not really proud of that. We talked about that too & I asked her not to get involved but she said that we were family now and she was just as involved as Joe now so," I explained.

"She sounds like she is going to be an awesome grandmother," Natalya said.

"Yeah, I think she is. She has Liv & Emmie for the next few days. She wants them to get to know each other. I'm grateful," I say.

"Me too, I would be so grumpy without you," Amber said.

"Girl please, you would have forgotten me by the first drink," I told Amber with some sass.

She gave me a shocked look before we both laughed at each other.

"Ok, so did anybody else see the dress Rachel wore to the engagement party?" Cameron asked out of the blue.

I sighed as Amber rolled her eyes at the mention of Joe's ex- fiance. All the other girls chatted as I stayed quiet on the subject of her. I didn't want to hear or talk about her. I know I missed Joe and Emmie like crazy. One out of the two flight attendants we had, brought everyone drinks. She gave me sparkling cider while Eva had sparkling water, since she doesn't drink.

The flight was quite entertaining as everyone talked about everything from each other's wrestling styles to their significant others. These ladies were out there but I loved them anyway.

"Ok Rita, I have to know between the two who is the better kisser, Joe or Jon?" Paige asked.

The question received a simultaneous 'ohhh,' from the girls as I smiled. The answer popping into my mind immediately.

"That's a tough one but I have to say. . . Jon is the better kisser," I told them as most of the girls squealed at my answer.

"Hay, I'm not sayin that Joe is terrible. He's a great kisser, its just Jon's better," I clarified.

"Okay, so whose better in bed?" Eva asked as soon as everyone calmed down.

Again, I laughed at my nosy friends. My answer popped in my head quickly. This was a hands down.

"Damn, y'all ask hard questions. Alright, I would have to say Joe, definitely. Not that Jon's bad. He, is not bad at all but again, Joe is better. Joe, is a beast. A horny ass beast," I tell them gaining laughs.

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