Chapter Thirty Three

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*Roman's POV*

I just sat there as Rita snapped at me. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I didn't think she would get pregnant. She looks so upset with me right now.

"Rita listen-," I say.

"No Joesph. Just leave me alone," she tells me.

She walks over to the door & opens it. My heart sinks as I look into the sad eyes of the one person I wasn't expecting to see. I gasp as Rita & Rachel just stare at each other.

Did Rachel hear what Rita said? I really hope she didn't. Why did Rita have to say all of that? She talks so much. Damn.

I push pass Rita & try to grab Rachel but she moves away from me.

"Rach," I say before she walks off quickly.

I growl in frustration as I rake my hands threw my still damp hair. I can't lose Rachel, I love her. She's the mother of my child. Dammit. I turn my attention to Rita, who has her hand over her mouth. She looks almost shocked.

This is all Rita's fucking fault. She wanted this to happen. I'm so pissed off at her right now.

"I hope you're happy now. You wanted this along, didn't you? If you thought telling my fiancé was gonna get me to leave my family & be with you, then you were dead wrong," I spat at her.

She looked so shocked then her expression turned sad. She doesn't say anything she just stares at me. I watch as tears start down her face. Honestly, at this point, I don't really care. She ruined everything for me.

"Now, you're gonna cry. Like you're the victim. You're pathetic. You have been waiting for the chance to put that child off on me. That's not my kid, Rita. You. . you are. .," I say before I feel someone grab me & pull me back.

I see Amber walk pass me & put her arm around Rita's shoulders as she pulled her away. I snatch out of whoever's grip & turn around to see Colby stepping back. He's was always coming to her rescue. I just stare at him as he glares at me.

"You are a cold hearted bastard," Colby says calmly.

"What the fuck you say?" I asked getting in his face.

He didn't move an inch. He stood there toe to toe with me.

"You heard me Joe. You blame her for your fuck up," Colby says calmly.

"She is to blame. You always take up for her instead of having your best friend's back," I spat at him.

"I don't see my best friend right now. I see a man acting like a little boy bitching about how everyone else fucked up things for him, instead of taking responsibility for his actions like a man," Colby said raising his voice a little.

I roll my eyes as I step away from him.

"Whatever, Colby. I have to go find my fiancé," I say as I walk pass him hitting his shoulder hard.

I look all over the arena to find her. I headed back to my locker room. As I was about to go in, I heard a tiny voice.

"Daddy!" Liv yelled.

Is Love Enough? (A Roman Reigns story)Where stories live. Discover now