Chapter 37

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💕Two month skip💕

Angel POV

Today is my wedding! Oh my gosh it's been crazy these last two months. Will and aunty have been around more and we even got to play together a few times! Aunty is very good at making my kitty feel good, almost good as daddy. Will played with me and Rosie once while Daddy and Aunty watched and played with each other.

"Ma'am come on and get in your dress." I turn and see Rosie holding my wedding dress up. "Okay." I smile and go to her. My mom and sister are making sure everything is going good downstairs. My dress is a white strapless lacey ball gown with a sweetheart neck line, it's simple but still looks like a princess dress. As Rosie laces my corset up the door opens and in comes Aunty and my mom. "Oh my baby!" Mom gushes and starts crying. "Your all grown up now Angie." I hug her and smile. "I know mom but it doesn't change anything, me and Christian will see you for thanksgiving and Christmas." I kiss her cheek and she pulls back. "I know, hurry because it's starting soon." She gives me one last smile and walks back out. "Well little one looks like this is it!" Aunty says and hugs me. "Yes Aunty it is." I smile at her.
"I hope Will would ask me to marry him, I may be the Dom but he still knows he'll need to ask me." "I'll talk some sense into him one day Aunty." I giggle, I can't slip into little space yet. "It's almost time now sweetie." Aunty puts my veil on me and pulls it over my face. I walk out of mine and Christian's bedroom and down the hall to the stairs, my dad is waiting for me at the edge so he can walk me down the aisle.

💕Time skip cause everyone knows about weddings💕

We said our vows and when the preacher said "you may kiss your bride." Daddy moved my veil and kissed me hard. "I love you princess." He said as we pulled away and everyone clapped and yelled. "I love you too daddy." The preacher smiled at us. "And for the first time I give you mrs and mr Richards!" He says as we walk down the aisle and into the hall. "You go change and I'll meet you back here baby girl." Daddy smiles at me. "Yes daddy." I kiss his cheek and pick up the front of my big dress and go to his office where I have my Halloween costume to change into. I open the door and my mom and Rose are in there to help me. "Mom!" I hug her even tho I seen her before the wedding. "It was beautiful baby." She's been crying I can tell. "Thank you mom." I kiss her cheek and look at Rose. "Help me get out of this."
They help me out of my dress and into my cute costume, it's a short Belle dress like she wears to dance with Beast but short and sexy looking. I stand in front of the mirror and twirl around. "I look good!" I giggle and my mom and Rosie agrees.

I go back out into the hallway and see daddy waiting for me, I run up to him and hug around his waist. "Hi my hubby!" I giggle and smile up at him. "Hello my beautiful wifey." He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. "You look so sexy right now little one." He growls in my ear, making me blush. "Now lets go to our guests and cut the cake." He takes my hand and pulls me into the back yard. It's so pretty out here! It has flowers everywhere and diamonds and it's perfect! Our cake was four tiers high and was white with pink roses scattered over it. Everyone claps when we walk in and I blush, hiding in daddy's shoulder. I look and see most people wearing costumes, Aunty and Will are the eleventh and thirteenth doctors, Rosie is a black cat and my parents are old people, I see plenty more but right now I'll I care about is my husband.

Not long as I'd like but here it is!
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