Chapter 2

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Angel POV

We pulled up to a huge house and daddy looked at me with a worried look. "This is my hou- I'm sorry, this is our house." He told me.

"It's so pretty." I whisper, looking at it in awe. Daddy got out and I look and he's holding his hand out for me to take. "Let me show you baby."
We walk in and daddy has to pick me up because my legs won't work it's so beautiful. The entryway is cream with a black marble floor and gold accents. If the rest is like this then this place is gonna be so beautiful. I think to myself.

Daddy carries me down a hallway and tells me what's behind all the doors then he stops at a pink one.
"This one is yours." He opens the door and I squeal and wiggle to be let down. He laughs and puts me down. My room is pink with a fluffy white carpet, it has a big girl bed with a hello kitty comforter on it, a adult sized crib with pink bedding, a adult sized changing table in the corner and toys all over the place. "Daddy is this all mine?!" I whisper yell looking at him almost in tears. "Yes baby this is yours." He picks me back up and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Thank you for picking me daddy." I tell him starting to cry from being so overwhelmed with emotions.
"Don't cry baby!" Daddy tells me sitting down on the bed with me in his arms. "I got you and you don't have to thank me, I wanted you when you walked out on stage." He kissed my head and rocks me. "Why don't you lay down and take a nap and daddy will wake you when it's time to eat, how's that sound?" Daddy looks at me. "Okay daddy, can I sleep in my crib?"I ask and yawn. "Of course you can." Daddy stands up and walks to the crib, he sits me in it and kisses my head. I lay down and smile getting sleepy. I think I'm going to enjoy my daddy and my new life I think as I fall asleep.

Christian POV

My baby was so overwhelmed she was crying over a room. After I laid her down for a nap I went to my room and made sure nothing was in the open she could see and scare her. I'm not just a DaddyDom I'm also a Master and I keep a few of my whips in here as well as my playroom. When I didn't see anything I went and started to cook supper for my little princess, getting out chicken nuggets and French fries for her and a chicken breast to grill for myself I started supper. 

I sure hope she understands when I tell her I'm a vampire I think as I cook.

Angel POV

"It's time to get up baby." Daddy was shaking me and telling me to wake up. "No daddy, me sleepy." I yawned and rolled over. "I guess you don't want pooh bear chicken nuggies then." Daddy said and I jumped up. "I wan nuggies daddy!" I told him slipping into littlespace. Daddy laughed and picked me up.

We go to the kitchen and daddy puts me in a high chair and hands me a plate of nuggies and fries. "Eat it all baby." Daddy warns me and sits down with his own plate of yucky daddy food.

After supper we played in my room and daddy showed me the rest of the house all but one room he called the playroom. "Daddy? What's in the playroom?" I asked him. "It's stuff for daddy to use on you when you learn more baby." I nod my head then cause I know it's big girl stuff and I'm not ready for that yet.

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