Chapter 10

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Angel POV

It's been a two weeks since I got here now and I'm use to what my daddy is now, it took me awhile even after I let him touch me again but I think I can live with him. Daddy is a very sweet man and he plays with me all the time, except when he goes to his plant and looks at his workers.

I close my journal and stand up, daddy told me to write one so I can get everything out I need to and he will read it once a week. I would usually tell him everything but a journal is better for me so I don't get embarrassed as easily. I look around my room at all my toys and cute little things, I really need to clean my room up, I have toys all over the place and clothes all over my big girl bed. I'll clean tomorrow since daddy has to go into work anyways.

"Sweetie? I was wondering if you wanted to watch Disney movies and build a pillow fort in my room tonight?" Daddy walks in my room and sits on my bed. "Yes!! A million times yes!!!" I jump up and hug him, kissing all over his face. "Calm down baby." He raps his arms around me and pulls me close. "We'll set it up after supper then baby."
Daddy is so good to me, I treated him so bad for so long and I really want to make it up to him. I wonder what I can do. I could let him drink from me instead of those bottles or I could let him take me for the first time, I might let him do both, that would make up for how I acted.

Daddy stands up and kisses me the walks out, I follow after him looking at the hallway and all the doors in daddy's big house. I feel so small in this big house, he's got so many rooms I've never even been in.

"Daddy I go swimming?" I ask him slipping in little space. "Yea baby I guess you can." Daddy tells me and a jump up and down. "Lets go get you in a swimsuit then you can."

Daddy takes me back to my room and picks me out a one piece suit with flowers all over it. "Do you need help putting it on?" "No daddy i a big gurl!" He smiles at me. "Okay princess."

When I'm dressed daddy picks me up and carries me to the pool, he sits me down and I jump in the water. "It cold!" I squeal when my head pops up. Daddy walks down the steps and joins me in the water. "It is cold baby." We swim and splash each other for an hour, then daddy tells me it time to get out. "Come on baby." He takes my hand and pulls me out. "You need a bath and then a nap."

Daddy takes me inside and to the bathroom, he runs a tub of water and help me take my swimsuit off then helps me in the water. As I play with a ducky, daddy washes me. "Lay back baby so I can wash your hair." I do as daddy says and he washes my hair, it feels so good when he does that. When he rinses it I sit back up and daddy takes my coconut body wash and starts to wash me, he goes over my back with his hands then my chest, over my arms and neck and then my tummy I giggle when he washes my tummy because it tickles, then he takes a wash cloth and sticks it under the water to wash my kitty. I gasp when he touches it, he smiles and keeps washing it, when he gets done he pulls the plug and I stand up.

"Okay baby come on." He puts a towel around me and picks me up. "Daddy.." I mumble and touch his face.
"Let's get a diaper on that cute butt." I giggle and smile at him. He lays me down on the bed and take a diaper and puts it under me, before he tapes it powders my kitty and rubs it in good. I moan and move my hips against his hand as he rubs the powder in. "Does that feel good baby?" He parts the lips of my kitty and starts to rub my clit. "Yes daddy!" I moan. It feels so good when he plays with my kitty.

Daddy smiles and slowly puts one finger inside of me, I tense up and cry out, as I've never had anything in me before. "Daddy that hurts!" I tell him looking up at him. "I'm sorry little one, I thought you were ready." He slowly pulls his hand back and sighs, he finishes putting my diaper on me and puts one of his shirts on me.

"Sweet dreams little one." Daddy tucks me in and kisses my head. He walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him.
I wish it hadn't hurt so bad I wanted daddy to continue. I pout and fall asleep sucking my thumb.

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