Chapter 8

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Slight dirty parts in this chapter

Christian POV

I watched her play for a few more hours after lunch, then it was time for her punishment. "Angel it's time for your punishment now," I say and stand up from the floor. "I'm going to spank you 20 times for ignoring me and then I'll let you pick a movie to watch after I'm done with your little butt."
"Yes sir,I understand..." Angel sighs and stands up as well.

I sit on the couch and pull her over my lap, I pull down her shorts and panties and start to rub her butt. All of a sudden I raise my hand and bring it down hard on her bottom.
She screams and tries to wiggle out of my grip. "No no baby you're not getting away from this." I bring my hand down again, and she cries out again.
Each one is hard and she cries out at it after I give her the last one I run her very red and sore bottom until her crying slows down.

Angel POV

Christian spanked me 20 times and it hurt like crazy! I cried and wiggles around but he would not let me up. After he got done he rubbed my very sore butt, and I won't lie I got turned on. "That feels good daddy." I moan out. He chuckles and stops. "Let me get you some lotion to help it." Daddy lays me on the couch on my tummy and goes to get the lotion.

When he comes back I'm still in the same spot waiting on him. He sits besides me and starts to rub it on my sore bottom. I moan as he rubs the lotion into my skin. "You like that?" He asks and smacks my butt lightly. "Yes daddy." I can feel myself getting wet.
The next thing I know his hand is rubbing lower and he's rubbing my kitty. "Oh!" I moan it feels good, him rubbing my kitty but different at the same time.

He starts to rub my clit and I almost scream from how good it feels. "Yes daddy!" I moan. He smiles and kisses my head. "Enjoy it while you can little one." I get confused when he says that but then I understand when he pulls his hand away. "Nooo!!" I pout at him and daddy just laughs. "You have to learn no to ignore me or anything like that little one, this is part of my punishment I know you got turned on from your spanking and me rubbing you." He tells me and pulls my panties and shorts back up.

I sigh and sit up, I feel the sting of my sore butt when I sit on it. "Come here and I'll snuggle you." He holds his arms open and I lean into them and he hugs me close, kissing my head. We sit like for what seems like hours but it was really only about thirty minutes.

"I need to start supper soon baby."
"Can we have hamburgers? I really like cheeseburgers." I ask looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "Yes, I can cook hamburgers for you tonight."

"Hakuna matata means no worries for the rest of your days!" I randomly start singing, I love singing Disney songs. "It's our problem fre-" BANG! I stop singing because I hear a loud bang in the kitchen. I jump up and run to see what happened. "What happened?!" I yell as I run into the kitchen.
"Nothing, I just dropped the iron skillet I use for hamburgers." I see daddy picking the skillet up off the floor and sitting it on the counter. "Okay daddy, I thought something happened to you."
"I'm okay little one, why don't you go and play until I get everything cooked?" "Okay!" I run up to my room to find a coloring book to color in. I look in all of my books and can't find anything I want to color, I finally decide to draw a picture and color that.

I draw a fluffy kitten asleep on a princess bed in sharpie so I can color it with crayons. I start to color the kitty gray with white ears and feet and the bed pink and blue. When I'm half way done I hear my name being called.
I walk downstairs and smell yummy burgers, it makes my tummy growl. "Daddy? Can I eat in my high chair today?" I ask it's been awhile since I ate in it. "You sure can princess!" Daddy sits me in my chair and puts my plate in front of me. "Aren't you gon eat daddy?"
"No baby I feel sick right now, I'll eat when I feel better." I look at him he doesn't look sicky, maybe his tummy hurts. "Okay daddy."
"I'll be right back baby."
I nod my head and start eating, it tastes good as it smells.

Christian POV

After I cooked Angel her supper I started to get the pains again so I had to leave my baby so I can eat as well. Sighing I walk upstairs to my room and back to my secret stash of blood, I open the small fridge and take a bottle out hurrying to drink it done to make my stomach stop hurting, I feel myself getting stronger as I finish it. Putting the bottle back I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth looking at my fangs that grew from the smell of the blood, she was right when she called me a monster.

I need blood to survive, my eyes are red and I have freaking fangs. When I get done I walk back down stairs to my princess, she's done eating and waiting on me to let her out. "I'm done daddy" she tell me. "Can I go play before bed now?" "Yes baby, you can." I let her out and watch her run upstairs to in guessing her room.
My life is slowly coming together everything is falling into place and one day I will make my princess live forever as well.

Please tell me what you think and thank you to the everyone that is reading my story!!
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