Chapter 29

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Angel POV

I walk to the pool and I see Rose laying on a floaty in the middle of the pool. "Rosie I been looking for you!" I yell at her and run to the pool. She looks up and smiles at me. "Mistress is something wrong?" She asks and I can tell she thinks she did something. "Nothing I just wanted to talk and get to know you more!" I sit at the edge of the pool and put my feet in, daddy won't like me getting in without him here. "Okay." Rose flips over and belly flops in the water and swims over to me. "You not getting in?" She folds her arms on the side of the pool to hold herself up. "Daddy doesn't like me getting in where he's not watching, plus it's my big girl time.." I mumble the last part not really wanting to talk about it. "Mine should start in a few days so I know what you mean." Rose rubs my leg. "So.. umm.. tell me about you." I tell her, kicking my feet.

"Well I don't talk to my family because they didn't like my lifestyle, umm.. I love rock and punk music, I'm a bookworm and a nerd, oh! And I started dating a boy who grew up in a mafia family when I was fifteen and it lasted a few years but we broke up a few months ago." Rose tells me some little things. "You dated a boy in the mafia?!" I've never met anyone who knew any gangsters. "Yes, his uncle was the capo, but he dumped me when I wouldn't sleep with him." She sounds sad, thinking about him. "It's okay Rosie." I rub her arm. "It's in the past now and I'm happy I got bought by you and master." She smiles at me and I grin back. "You never said but did you sign yourself up for the auction? Because I was in it too a few months ago and I signed myself up." I look at her and she looks down. "No I didn't.. he put me in it but it took five months for the auction to be planed and set up again." She's crying now. I hug her to me and fall in as well, I don't even mind I just hold her and whisper in her ear. "It's okay Rosie, don't cry I got you." I feel like a mommy domme right now and I like it. "Come on let's get you inside and in some dry clothes." I keep holding her and take her inside. I don't see daddy when we go in so he must be working or something. I take her to her room and sit her on her bed, I go to her closet and look for her some clothes.

I find her a plain tshirt and a pair of booty shorts to wear then I look and get her a pair of panties and a sports bra out. I hand them to her and she takes them, standing up and getting dressed. "I'm gonna go get dressed too, I'll be right back." I run and grab a maxi dress and undies back hurry and get dressed. I run back to Rose and she's sitting on her bed but she's stopped crying. "You feeling better?" I sit down with her and hug her. "Yes I do, thank you for getting me to talk about it I really needed to." She hugs me back and lays her head on my shoulder. "I got you kitten I got you" I rub her back. "I won't ask anymore after this but what was his name?" I look at her and she sighs. "It's Robert Salvatore." She looks at me and I kiss her forehead. "You rest baby and I'll come check on you later, okay?" She nods her head. "Yes ma'am." I smile. "I want you to call me mommy instead of mistress from now on, okay?" I look at her. "Yes mommy."
"Good girl." I kiss her lips and leave her room.

I can't believe I'm a mommy and a little!

I think as I sit in my room, yes I've been a switch for awhile but to be a mommy domme and a little that's just wow, but now I know my style and I like it. Daddy will be so proud of me!
I need to tell him about what she said so he knows.

I know I said a short chapter but I started writing and it just kept coming!
What do you think? Was it good? What do you think will happen to Rose now? I'm slowly building to my dark twist and a little drama too! Thank you for reading
I love all of my reader
Have a great day/night!

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