Chapter 29: Hi Mom

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Half cup granulated sugar, three quarter brown sugar, one teaspoon salt, half cup unsalted butter, one egg, one teaspoon vanilla extract, one and a quarter cups of all-purpose flour, half teaspoon of baking soda, milk and dark chocolate chunks.

She had everything she needed to make chocolate chip cookies. Max would be back soon and she was going to surprise him with them. Since Mel had done almost all the chores and Gwen and TC were with Gaby, she didn't know what to do. Even though Max had put a price on Lisandra's head, it didn't mean they were going to find her tomorrow or the day after. She could have left the country already. Whoever helped her escape out of prison could have whisked her away to another place where they would never find her.

Or she could be lurking around her house waiting for the best time to pounce. Either way, Emilia wasn't going to worry herself over her. She'd done enough worrying already. In the nine years she had been separated from Max, she had spent a lot of time wondering what her husband saw in that witch. Why he'd allowed her in his bed and if he'd fallen in love with her. She had even resorted to stalking them once. For someone to have that kind of power over her, especially someone she hated it had to be because she'd let them into her life.

If she had only ignored her, maybe Lisandra would have gone away. She was someone who thrived on attention and Emilia had given it to her abundantly by listening to what she said and letting her false words get to her. Well, no more. She was done entertaining that vile, hateful woman. When she finally decided to make her move, Em would be there waiting for her. But until then, she would bake for her husband, live her life and forget about her existence.

"Are those the signature Carter cookies?" TC asked striding in. They'd been there for a few hours already. She might have wondered why he brought Gwen along, but she didn't ask because anyone with eyes could tell those two were a thing. A very new, unsure thing.

"Signature Carter cookies? Who came up with that?"

"Your husband. He and Zander were the only ones allowed to eat them. The rest of us mere mortals were told to find other snacks"

"Really? I didn't know that"

"I almost got fired once when I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar. So when you're done with those, could you please bake us something else? We will really appreciate it"

"Lucky for you, I'm going to let this dough sit overnight and bake them in the morning. What's your poison?"

"That would either be fruitcake or sticky toffee pudding. I could never really decide" she scrunched up her face "What? I'm English" he defended himself making her jaw slack.

"You're English?"

"Why is that shocking?"

"Because you don't have an accent" even as she said it, Emilia realized how much she sounded like a snob. Who said all English people had to have an accent? Stereotyping much? "Sorry, it's just.... You don't look English and I'm going to shut up now before I put my foot further in"

With a smirk dancing on his lips, he said "I know more than seven languages including Bulgarian and I can speak them fluently. You'd never know I'm not from Bulgaria unless I want you to"

"I would ask what else you know but I don't think I want to see you as anything other than my dorky bodyguard so I'll refrain from asking more questions"

He watched her as she put the dough in the fridge and took out ingredients for a fruitcake. After they were all on the kitchen island, within reach, he asked "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Mr. Carter has been sending me a text every hour asking if you're okay. Should he be worried?"

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