Chapter 17: Benefactor

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Lisandra still couldn't believe it. She'd spent all night turning and tossing, replaying her conversation with Max over and over again. She had never seen him so angry with her, there was even hatred in his eyes directed towards her. The man she'd loved all her life now hated her and wanted to kill her. If that wasn't punishment enough, what was? Him living happily with Emilia. Above everything else, that was the one thing she couldn't stand. It was okay for him to hate her, maybe she deserved it, but she wouldn't let that bitch be happy with him. No one was allowed to be with him.

Scrubbing the toilet she was cleaning with vigor, she thought of ways to make that bitch pay. Even from behind bars she could still do something. Isn't that why she'd asked her aunt to find a job in that house? So she could find a way to hurt her? What was the easiest way to get rid of her? Poison? That would surely kill her but it wasn't a guarantee. If someone took her to the hospital, they could give her an antidote then her efforts would be in vain. An assassin? Someone good that wouldn't miss this time? It would give her immense pleasure to see a hole between that bitch's eyes. But where would she find one?

The Petrovs had sent Mark to kill her so they honestly wouldn't help her. If she even tried to contact them, they could kill her before she finished her mission. It wasn't that she was afraid of dying. Being in prison made death look like the better option. Dying before making Emilia pay for ruining her life was what scared her. It would be so unfair to die alone. If it were up to her, she'd take Emilia with her to hell. That way she'd be assured that Max didn't end up with her. Knowing him, he wouldn't be with someone else after the death of his wife. Now wasn't that a good thing?

"Martinez, you have a visitor" a guard said startling her. Her first thought was that Max had come back. But in the process of looking up, her neck hurt, reminding her how he'd tried to strangle her yesterday. There was no way he would come back to see her.

"Who is it?"

"How the fuck should I know? Are you coming out or should I send them back?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming" she huffed. The guards here were the worst. Fucking judgemental bitches who acted holier than thou "Then at least tell me if it's a man or a woman?"

"You think that handsome man that came to see you yesterday will come again? Bitch, I ain't ever seen a delusional idiot like you before. It's a lady, more prettier than you for sure"

"A lady?" could it be Gwen? She was the only friend she had. No one else would come to see her. Unless Max kept his word and fired her aunt....

As she was waiting for the guard to open the door, she spied Emilia sitting on the same spot Max had been yesterday. Immediately he mood lifted. If that stupid bitch came to see her too, it meant she still saw her as a threat. She still thought Max had feelings for her and she was there to warn her off. Well, her day was about to get so much better. Plastering a smile on her face, she approached her.

"Well, isn't this swell? First Max and now you? Oh Emilia, you're still an insecure little bitch, aren't you?"

"You look like shit Lisandra. It suits you" she said baring her teeth in what looked like a smile and a snarl at the same time.

"And you look ugly as always. Why are you here?"

"I came to see how they're treating you. Do they feed you properly? Judging from your appearance, they don't. Goodness, what happened to your hair? And your nails? And every little thing that made you beautiful? I never realized how basic you were without all your makeup and fancy manicures"

"What the fuck do you want?" Lisandra snarled. She was seconds away from attacking this bitch. She'd gone there to gloat and make fun of her because she was on the other side of the fence. The nerve. So what if she didn't have her makeup in there? She was still beautiful.

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