Chapter 4: I Can't Breathe

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                    Dedicated to aichamahmood so you'll stop staring at your screen love.

Emilia looked up at Max, confused at why he was there. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs, then she remembered Thea had gone to pick them up from the airport. She must have dozed off waiting for them. Blinking, she sat up.

"Hello Emilia" he said with a quivering voice. She stood up and put her arms around him, hugging him, all the while asking herself what happened. He looked awful, like someone who'd been sick for a long time "I'm sorry" he whispered tightening his grip "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... " he kept saying over and over again.

Thea who was standing at the entrance motioned to her and pointed at the door behind them. She nodded, understanding that they were giving them privacy. Emilia held him for a few more minutes then pulled back "I guess I don't have to ask how you are. You look like shit Max"

"And you look beautiful" he said running a hand up and down her left arm.

"When it comes to me, the expression beauty fades, doesn't apply" she joked pulling him down to the couch. They sat down and Emilia raised her hand to caress his face "Jesus Max, what happened to you? You've lost a lot of weight"

"I lost a lot of things Em" he was referring to her and Zander.

"That doesn't mean you should stop taking care of yourself. Look at you? You're unrecognizable" she could see now why Preston and Mel were worried about him. Even his face was skinny.

"Enough about me. I want to know how you are. You look good"

"Why is that surprising?" she asked arching a brow

"I don't know. I thought you'd be worse off than me"

"Oh Max, you idiot. Come here" she hugged him again "I missed you, so much"

"I missed you too Em" he said pulling her closer. They sat that way until Doug's voice interrupted them. His bad habit of coming in through the back door had to stop. Even though he had a key, he still chose to come in that way and he never did it quietly.

"Beautiful ladies, where are you? I come bearing gifts for all three of you. Did I hear someone mention how much they.... love me" he trailed off when he came into view and saw them

"Doug, what did I say about keeping it down when you come in?" Emilia asked letting Max go.

"Sorry. I'm just a naturally happy and loud guy and Gaby is always awake at this time so you can't be mad at me" to change the subject, he said "I see we have more guests"

"Yeah. Meet Max Carter, Max this is Doug" she introduced them. The look on Max's face could have frozen hell. She knew what he was thinking, judging by the way he'd clenched his jaw. Emilia was about to explain when the baby monitor stopped her. Doug was right when he said Gaby was always up around this time.

"I'll go get her" Doug offered, rushing upstairs. He was such a softie. She would bet Max terrified him even though right now he outweighed him by at least ten pounds.

"Who is he?"

"A friend"

"Okay" Max answered but the expression on his face said it was clearly not okay. She wondered what he was thinking and wished he would stop whatever it was. All he had to do was ask questions. By agreeing to see him again, it meant she was ready to answer any questions he had. Granted he'll be pissed she didn't tell him about Gaby but still....

"Ask away Max. I can almost hear you thinking"

"I'm not sure I want to hear the answers"

"Since when did you become such a coward?"

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