Chapter 36: Genevieve

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         Seeing that man had made her feel uneasy. All throughout yesterday she was nervous and kept jumping at the smallest sound. Sleep evaded her because she couldn't stop worrying about her children. What if someone broke in and hurt them? She just got Zander back. Losing him would destroy her. Max must have noticed how on edge she was because he took the kids and Mel out, telling her to relax. It was his way of giving her a day off. But all it did was give her more nerves. Instead of resting, she went around the house, looking for something out of the ordinary. A broken window or door. Anything to indicate she wasn't overreacting. Her search stopped outside Genevieve's door. Since Gwen went off on her, she hadn't left her room. Emilia wondered if the woman was repenting.

That was if she was capable of repenting. She wasn't a saint but she knew she couldn't ignore her child, especially if he was in the hospital. How had she done it? Genevieve was one of a kind. Emilia couldn't believe a mother would live somewhere happily even after knowing her daughter was shot. They were all grieving for Zander but she wasn't. At the very least, she could have spent some time in the hospital comforting Gwen. Why hadn't she done that? What were her reasons? And was she being too judgemental? Maybe there were things she didn't know about her. What if she'd spent all those months worrying about her daughter? No. If she had been worried, then she would have checked in on her. But what if....

Suddenly the door opened and Genevieve asked "Do you need something? You've been standing here for a while"

"How do you know that?"

"I can see your shadow from under the door"

"Let's have a talk" she blurted out. It wasn't planned but they needed to air out their differences. Enough time had passed and she'd calmed down. Maybe in the process she could figure out a few things.

"I wondered if we'd ever talk because I have a lot to apologise for"

"Luckily it's just us two today. Max took the kids out"

"He told me. Do you want to come in or shall we go elsewhere?"

"The kitchen. I'll make some coffee" it was also an open place with every kind of weapon. It was too soon to say she trusted the woman.

Genevieve settled on one of chairs, folding her hands on top of the counter. From the corner of her eye, Emilia could see her fidgeting. Was she nervous? She took her time measuring the ingredients. Now that they were there, no one knew where to start. Was she supposed to bring up what had happened ten years ago or should she let it go and ask how Zander had been the past two years?

"I'm sorry" Genevieve started, prompting her to turn around and face her "Truly Emilia. I know everything that happened was my fault. If I had accepted you back then, maybe the situation wouldn't have come to this"

"What was it about me that you disliked so much?" She hadn't realized how much that bothered her. Asking it out loud made her acknowledge that she truly wanted to know why Genevieve hadn't liked her.

"You didn't fit the image I had for my daughter in law"

"And Lisandra did" Em added silently. Of course a small town orphan couldn't compare to the great Lisandra Martinez. Don't be bitter. She chastised herself. Nothing would come out of it.

"I thought she did. She'd grown up with Max and I saw how much she loved him. All I wanted was for my son to find someone who loved him for who he was and not his social status"

"I did, still do"

"I didn't know that. It was my mistake. I was prejudiced against you and nothing you said or did would change my mind. No one will ever know how much I regret everything"

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