Chapter 19: Mrs. Carter

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Emilia was angry at herself for letting Lisandra get into her head like that. It was as if that woman knew her weaknesses and pounced on her whenever she had the chance. God, it had felt so good to slap her. If they had been in a different place, she would have resorted to a full blown cat fight and tore the rest of her hair out. But since they were in there with guards everywhere, she hadn't wanted to do something that could have landed her in the same cell as that bitch. They would have definitely ended up killing each other.

She wasn't the kind of woman who picked a fight with others. When someone tried to get a rise out of her, she always took a step back to avoid any conflicts. However, when it came to Lisandra, she turned into someone else. The fact that she even knew Gaby existed made her blood boil. How had she known that? Max knew and he hadn't told her. What was he thinking? This is what he'd been hiding from her and as much as she tried, she couldn't help but think if he did that to protect his former mistress.

Were her insecurities misplaced? He said one thing then did something else that contradicted his words. Was it her fault she was starting to doubt him? Her head was starting to hurt from all the questions. She really needed someone to talk to, an aspirin and ten hours of sleep. Not necessarily in that order.

"Uh oh, what did he do now?" Mel asked the second she opened the door.

"Do you have some kind of special powers or something?"

"No. Why?"

"How do you always know things?"

"You're easy to read Emilia and right now you have that face you usually have whenever you fight"

She furrowed her eyebrows "I have a special face for that?"

"You have a face for everything. I especially like the one after you've made up. It suits you best" Mel told her with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah well, you won't be seeing that any time soon" she sat on the bed, next to where Gaby was sleeping "Did she trouble you?"

"She's such a darling. I don't think she's capable of causing anyone trouble. What happened though? Did you get to see Lisandra?"

"Yeah, about that Mel. Why did you call Max?"

"I thought you wouldn't be able to handle her alone" she started protesting about how she was stronger than they thought but Mel held up a hand to stop her "Don't get me wrong Emilia, you're not weak in any way. But Lisandra has a way of twisting things, words. I thought she would say something to hurt you and I was worried"

"She knows about my life, Gaby, my friend Doug, basically everything. I think she has someone watching me"

"Did you tell Max about it?"

"He already knew. It was the reason he went to see her" Emilia brushed Gaby's hair back "Why didn't he tell me anything Mel? I would like to know what's going on so I can prepare myself this time. I don't want to be caught off guard again. Losing her will kill me..."

"Stop thinking like that" Mel cut her off "Knowing Max, he probably didn't want to worry you"

"But I should be worried. If Lisandra is planning something, I should be on alert. Don't you think?"

"I agree but you should also know that he's also as scared as you are. I saw what happened after you left, the way he blamed himself for not being able to protect you. Trust me when I say that if he didn't tell you then it was because he thought he could handle it himself. Without worrying you"

"Why does it sound like you're defending him?"

"Because I am. I will also defend you to him. You know I don't take sides when it comes to you two. I'll try to make you understand his actions and do vice-versa when I talk to him, so you both see it from my perspective"

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