Chapter 2: Changes

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               "Was that Preston?" Emilia asked picking the baby up. She was hungry and her food needed a few minutes to cool down. Em would have breastfed her but then she wouldn't eat so she decided to try and pacify her. As much as breast milk was good for children, it was better combined with food. Since Gaby was over a year old, she would have to stop breastfeeding soon and concentrate on introducing all kinds of food to her. Zander was a pain when it came to anything green. He would spit out avocado the second he realized what it was and scream his lungs out so he wouldn't have to eat it.

"Yeah. He's just realizing that he can't fool me"

"I honestly can't believe you guys ended up together. Don't you know how childish he is? I never pegged that clown for your type"

"He used to be childish Em. After Zander..... " she stopped.

"No, don't do that Thea. Don't stop talking about him. I want to always remember him, the good and the bad, all of it. I don't want anyone to watch what they're saying because they think I might breakdown again"

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. But sometimes you have to understand that it's hard for me to talk about him. I watched him grow up, take his first step, say his first words, I was there too. It's not easy knowing I won't ever see him again"

"I know. Let's try to remember him with smiles on our faces. He wouldn't want to see us crying over him everyday"

"You're right" Thea got up and went to the kitchen where she got herself a glass water and came back with the baby's food "Like I said, Preston has changed. Did I tell you that he moved to the Carter mansion?"

"No. Why? Was he kicked out of his apartment?" since Emilia had isolated herself from everyone, she didn't know how they were. It was the first time Thea was visiting. She'd avoided long conversations over the phone in case someone found out she had a baby and ran to tell Max. Not that her friend would ever tell on her but still..... It didn't hurt to be extra careful.

"He was worried about Max"

"What about him?"

"He still blames himself Em. Mel was so worried that she asked Preston to move in thinking it would raise his spirits if he saw his friend everyday. It helped a little because Preston has a way of making you forget your problems for a while but he's still not okay. They're waiting for him to blow up"

"That idiot" shook her head "You should tell them to stop wasting their time. Max won't blow up anytime soon and I'm surprised Preston doesn't know that"

"You can't blame them though. You left him when you both needed each other the most. What were they supposed to do?" Thea's voice was a bit accusatory but Emilia understood her. Sometimes she wondered why she'd placed all the blame on Max and even went as far as to leave him.

"Oh look Gaby. Now your aunt thinks it's my fault your father is being stubborn" she told the baby who smiled up at her, giving her the chance to sneak a spoonful of food into her tiny mouth.

"I put a listening device in the Carter mansion. I wanted to know when Max would come looking for you so you'd know beforehand"

"Now that's just creepy Thea"

"He's going to come looking soon. You're welcome"

"You and Preston are like two peas in a pod. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner"

"Imagine how cute our babies will be"

Emilia froze midway, holding the spoon just above the baby's face "Are you pregnant?"

"No. But I'm thinking about it" okay, she hadn't seen that coming. Thea wanted to be a mother. With Preston? God help them both.

"Wow, you really have changed Thea. All this because of Preston?"

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