His Job During Your Pregnancy

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*The little imagine picture thingamabob of Thomas (Sangster) attached is perfect*

Thomas- Thomas loves making you as comfortable as possible, so he'll give you back and foot massages whenever you want one. Instead of making you go out to get your own food, he'll bring you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He also tries to find you things to do to keep you from getting bored, since he tries to get you to stay inside the Homestead so you're away from the craziness of the other Gladers.

Newt- Newt never leaves your side. He doesn't let any of the other Gladers mess with you, and he's so sweet. He always manages to surprise you with little gifts- one night he surprised you with a candle light dinner.

Minho- Minho takes quite a few days off from being a Runner to take care of you. He's super protective of you, and he gets you anything and everything that you want. At night he loves talking to the baby, and he'll stay awake until he's sure you're asleep.

Gally- Gally makes sure you're happy 24/7. If you're not happy, Gally's not happy, and that usually isn't a good thing. He's also a little sweetheart, because he surprised you with a baby room he built all by himself! He also loves being able to boss the other Gladers around when it comes to you. He can tell them you need a drink or a snack, and they'll get it to you ASAP.

Alby- Alby makes sure everything is ready for your baby's arrival. He makes the other Gladers help out to get you things. He's pretty nervous about the baby coming, but at the same time he's super excited!

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