Just Try and Try Again

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Chapter 31: Just Try and Try Again

It's been 3 days since I went to see Nathan in the institution. I thought maybe it would help me maybe get some sort of closure. But truthfully it just frustrated me even more than before.

How did I not know he was living alone?

I knew his parents died but was I that self absorbed to not notice he lived alone?

He told me he was managing with his aunts but I should've understood.

I guess everything just built up, block by block and he just finally snapped. It was hard to think that I was one of those blocks that made him tumble down. I know it's not all my fault but I am partly to blame for his loss of sanity. Maybe if I had known what he was going through, that he was living alone, that he had feelings for me, this could have gone differently. But I guess theres no point in dwelling on the what if's, what's done is done as harsh as that sounds.

I made my way in to my english class just seconds before the late bell rang and took my seat next to Hunter as he gave me a nod.

The teacher walked in as everyone quieted down. Hunter and I didn't talk for the rest of the period but I could sense him shifting uncomfortably in his seat and looking towards the door and outside the windows frequently. He seemed nervous- no he seemed worried.

I caught him glancing in my direction a few times and when I questioned him, he just shook his head and went back to fidgeting. I wanted to question him, ask him what was troubling him but something told me I would find out soon enough.

Once the lesson ended hunter and I silently walked out not uttering a word. It felt as though if I even make a slight noise everything will turn to chaos.

As we walked down the corridor aimlessly I realised that Trey hadn't appeared, which was odd considering he always somehow ended up with us.

"Anastasia" Hunter addressed me in a low voice.

I turned my head to far his and muttered a "Hm?"

He stopped walking and followed.
"Just- if anything happens stick with Trey or your brother"

I scrunched my forehead in confusion. What he said worried me.

"If anything happens?" I paused letting the question hang in the air for a moment.

"What's going to happen Hunter?" instead of replying he let out a deep sigh and ran a hand down his face.

"Just remember what I said" he spoke softly. He wasn't touching me but I could feel the familiar sensation of the heat I always experience when he is touching me. It's the same feeling I get when we're alone and he allows his eyes to shine with how much he cares for me. However, he has only done that in times where he knew something bad was going to happen like that day he told me the truth about what he did all those years ago.

This caused a horrible churning in my stomach.

"Hunt-" just before I could say anything else the front doors opened and in came 3 police officers. This was a huge surprise considering our school had never had any problems that needed the police attention. Once Hunter saw that they were heading in his direction he pushed me away from me gently.

"Go" He spoke firmly, with authority "Find Trey and tell him everything"

I grew worried because obviously if the police are heading in his direction and he was telling me to get away from him and to find Trey than it must have to do with something gang related.

I slowly made my way away from him as the officers finally reached him.

"Hunter?" The police officer asked before Hunter slowly nodded.

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