Chapter Twenty-Nine-On the road to death...Part one

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The killer smoked a cigarette.

He stopped at Hillee''s Gaf Statione.

He thought that the extra words for stupid fuckers who couldn't spell. Maybe. He filled up. Then he paid; then he saw the cowgirl.

And grinned.

"Need a lift, cowgirl?", he asked.

"Yeah, going to Montana".

"Really. Long way from here".


"Where's your boyfriend?".

"Shot the fucker".

"No, shit!".

"Yeah. And his girlfriend. And their kids".

"No, way!".

"Yeah, they thought I was psycho".

"How'd a pretty cowgirl like you...?", he asked once more.

"Isolation is a killer".

"Yeah, so...I'm John".

"John Kaorer".

"Shit, you knew my brother".

"Yeah, he was...unique".

And he laughed.


"Got some hot dogs and hot coffee".


"So, want some?".

"Later. Hot Dogs sound nice".


"Yep. After you kill people the shit hits the fan".

"And the Sheriff?".

"He's dead. So's the Deputy".

"Yeah, the new one's got some radio message out".

"Oh, then...hurry!".

And John hit the road fast.


Page 30.

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