Chapter Ten-The third night

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Picture of a crazy girl with a butcher knife; and Aerosmith's hit song about incest, "Janie's Got A Gun", right in the media section.

Warning: It is rated R for strong violence, strong adult themes, sex references. You must be 18 years and over to see and hear it.


Part 3.

Jessica Sharoehern wondered whether he would come.

The violent drunk was off his face.

He was drunk all of the time.

And Mom didn't want to know whether he was touching her or not. "He won't do that, Jess". And she'd pretend to hug her daughter; and she'd pretend to hug her Mom. And then she'd pretend to blow his head off with a .357 Magnum...and then...


It was a fantasy; it was a psycho fantasy.

And now she knew what to do...

...She get her dead father's body out of the grave...And take him home. And let the fucker see him in the crawlspace attic...and see him chop into him with his dead, rotting, paralysed, hands. And, when he screamed...

...Oh, the pain of it swelled in her head. It was now or never. She wore a red dress. It was purposefully short.

She adjusted her white bra.

And she knew one thing was certain. Dad was coming home. And when he did what was needed to be done, Mom wouldn't shout.

She'd be dead, too.


Jess, who was 18, scoured the Internet for guns. They sold for $US500. Or more. Sometimes she'd hear Mom's voice laugh at her soaps; sometimes, she'd play games with him; sometimes...Well, sometimes, he'd take her in the bedroom; sometimes...

...Sometimes she'd imagine them dead.


And that was what mattered.


The gun arrived by mail.

Jessica smiled.


It was a cruel, twisted, smile; it was a smile.

And she shot him in the head three times.

Blood was all over the place.

And then she shot Mom in the head three more times.

And, after she spent all of the bullets, she reloaded. And then she smiled for the final time because the police sirens blared loudly in the distance.


Page 11.

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