Chapter Fifteen-The road

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The girl shuddered.

She was used to the road; she was used to many roads. The roads, which was driven on, was fraught with tension; roads that soiled the Earth with the fatal, and black, exhaust fumes; the fumes, in which, time was taken away into the zones.

In another way, the road was full of men who wanted to dig their own graves. And they hitchhiked alone; they hitchhiked until the road widened; or, more roads, opened up...and spat into your face; until the road mixed in with the crossroads; until....

...Until, in alll aspects of the road, was gone.


Casy sensed the road, first.

She wanted Harris to digest the map; she wanted to eat.

"I want to eat", she ordered.

"I need to see the map of Louisaiana; I need to...". He grabbed his glasses. They slithered like a snake down the nose; they slithered until he caught it...then he forgot the map. It was on his crotch; it was on his driver's-side seat.



And he put his glasses back on.

And Casy went down and took the map with her left hand. And, as she pointed with her right hand, the strains of the couple's yelling, was like a war.


"Turn to the left; turn to the middle. See that area? Go to the garage. Yes; yes. I know we passed it; I know you did pass it...because you didn't have your glasses on. Jesus, I thought you were...". She went on...and on...and on...and on.

"Shut up!".

"Don't tell me to shut up".

"Shut the fuck up!!!".

And he punched her in the face with his left hand...and broke her nose.


Libby waited.

"God, what happened, Brad?", she asked.

"I was on the road, and some bitch was murdered. Hell, she was...bleeding. The cable news was overdrive".

"Was the Sheriff...?", she asked.

"He's dead; The Deputy Sheriff is dead. Dead in the crawlspace where the Jeston psycho kids were murdering trespassers".


"Yeah! Let's find a Motel. It's not safe at night. It's 3:00 AM. And there's no action tonight, with the city dead".

And he kissed her, felt her tongue, and she giggled.

And they headed to Al's Cheap Motels.


"You broke my nose!", Casy couldn't stop the blood.

"Shit! Let's go to the Hospital. I just wanted to have the map. Fuck!". And he shook his head...and drove to Louisiana No Care Hospital...where they didn't ask any questions about accidents...murders...stabbings...or if the dead rose up...and killed you.


Mae saw Cal flickering the cigarette.

"Hey, you were late".

"I was out of gas. This town is stuffed".

"No, Daddy was shot by his own gun. He's impaired".

"Yeah, and he's been hunting with old Earl and his no good son, Tom. And Tom is one brain cell too stupid to see".

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