Chapter Eleven-The badgirl

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Jamie Lloyd, (actress/director Danielle Harris), the boogeyman, Michael Myers, (stuntman/actor George P. Wilbur), in Dwight H. Little's "Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers", 1988, right in the media section; and the opening scene of the movie.

Warning: It is rated R for threatening horror scenes. You must be 18 years and over to see and hear it.


Part 4.

Sal watched the house.

"Come on, Vae, I rofl'd with last night".

"You never rolled on the floor laughing, you fuck". Vae smiled. She showed off her night gown. He touched her breasts with both hands; he kissed her mouth.

Then, just as she begun to enjoy the sex, something disturbed them.

"What was that?", Vae asked her boyfriend.

"It's the house. The evil inside it is...well known in Lousiana. You can't believe the horror stories that come from there".


Sal sighed.

"Look, I got rubbers for tonight. And you're not going to see...". His face was etched in pain; his eyes focused on the girl.

She grinned her them.


"Fuck off!", Vae said, "...We're busy". The girl smiled. It was something evil in that smile; something that was...defective.

"You're nasty".

"So. I think you interrupted us".

"We live here".

"Who's we?", Sal enquired.

"Everyone. And no one. Of course, they're not happy inside. The Vampries; the scarecrows; and the psychos".

"Look, we just want to be alone".

And she grinned.

"At Midnight the blood gushes. And, at the witching hour of Halloween, the dead rise. And, in the fire of Hell, do dwell the witches of death. And, as the dead walk, so do the demons. And, as you fuck without a care in the world, the eyes of Satan shall come to take you both away. Or, more to the point, my sister does".

"And who is your sister?".


And she vanished into the house.

And, in her place, was a sinister girl.

In her right hand was an axe.

And, when the teen couple screamed with horror, the girl's wicked blade rose high in the air...then came downward onto Vae's chest until she died in a pool of blood...And left Sal screaming in terror. He fled the car.

And, before he died as well, the dark shadows of the scarecrows, ripped his head off with one, brutal, act...just as the sounds of more screams disturbed the night.

Page 12.

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