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Flashing lights, blaring sounds, scent of alcohol and cigarettes, bodies grinding against each other...

I haven't been in a club in ages.

"Finally someone decided to come along with us."

Oliver teased as we hugged each other.

"I thought you're one of the golf club gold member now."

Loch added, he gave me a glass of whiskey and I gladly accepted it.

"We're having marital problems."

Oohhhh came out from their mouths as they teased me to tell something spicy.

They know what's wrong, they know all my frustrations.

"Tell you what? There are a lot of girls here tonight..."

"Why won't you have a little fun? Release the tension."

Travis told me, this guy is a real play boy. He's already in his mid 30's just like I am but he's not settled down yet. Always states that there are a lot of dish to taste, why taste one dish for the rest of your life.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm just here to distract myself alright?"

I drinked the glass of whiskey fast and asked for another round.

I'm not used to this anymore, I don't know if I'm still the partying type...


I became tired of the sight of massive orgy and naked bodies walking around so I ditched my friends that are 'partying'--- I swear they became comfortable seeing each other's dick. And decided to go to a local pub instead. The vibe is more relaxed here. Perfect place to drink away my sorrows.

As I approached the bar, I see a beautiful girl infront of me.

"Let me guess? Whiskey type of guy?"

I nodded as she slide the glass to me.

She leaned towards me and I can see her tits from here.

"Are you new here? I don't recall serving you drinks before."

She said. I chugged the whiskey and asked for another.

"Yes, I'm not really the drinker kind of guy."

"And yet here you are."

She chuckled as she refilled my glass...

"I get it most guys like you just come here if they have problems, especially work related."

"You could say that."


I talked to this stranger for about an hour and decided to go home.
It's nice to talk with someone you don't know. You can say something and not be judged...

"You're late."

I can see the annoyance in her face. This is the first time I acted out in our whole marriage.

"Are you mad because I didn't have sex with you?! What a sad excuse for a man."

She said sounding disgusted.
I ignored her and continued to my closet to change my clothes. She knew I'm drunk. Even I can tell I stink of alcohol.

"Why ask if you know the answer already? We've discussed this for a hundred time Zyraj."

I said with a cold tone.

"I can't believe this Ej. You're ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous! I'm your husband for fuck's sake. I have needs."

I can't believe we're fighting because of sex. I can't believe we always fight about this!

"You know what? Let's not fucking talk about it. I'm going to bed."

The DominantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon