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"Hey love, how's your day?"

I said as I kissed her cheeks, she's still beautiful even though she's pregnant. Imagine I get to spend my entire life with her...
Fuck that was so cheesy huh? Guess love makes us all crazy in a way.

"Okay lang naman. Napagod ako dun sa tatlo..."

She said while eating her favorite fruit as of now-- kiwi.
It's weird because she never liked kiwi before, what's even weird is when she puts ranch dressing all over it. I swear this woman is already making a crazy little girl. My princess.

We agreed that after she gave birth to our daughter, it will be the last. I already have four kids and I guess it's enough. I am more than grateful to have them in my life.
Three boys is already a handful imagine if we don't tie her tubes. Maybe she'll pop tons of kids.

Not that I'm complaining about having kids, I could have a million if I can, but I'm thinking about my wife. I don't want her to become a baby machine, I want her to enjoy her life and not stress enough. She is a hands on mom, sometimes I get jealous because she has more time with the kids than I am. Don't get me wrong I love that she takes care of our children but she has less time for me. After coming home from a stressful day at work, of course I would want to spend some alone time with my wife after the kids have gone to bed. But that is not the case with Zyraj.

We aren't the same as we used to be, everything changed since we had children. Date nights aren't as romantic as before because she always worry about our children, and now she's pregnant again. She always sleeps and eats and not always in her best mood.

I do understand what she's going through, I can only imagine how hard it is to raise kids and be pregnant at the same time.

So I'm not really complaining.

The best way I think I could help with her is to be present all the time especially for the boys, I always make sure that I come with her when she has an appointment for our baby, I want her to feel supported and loved in my own way.

"I missed you."

I said as I try to kiss her neck but she moved away.

"Pagod ako Ej."

She said nonchalant. I rubbed her back gently and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay, I understand."

I said with a heavy heart. I've been longing for her.
Her touch, taste and warmth.

I went to our closet to change into something comfortable and crawled next to her in bed.

"So I want to take the boy to the company, show them the world while they're still young."

I looked at what she's watching on the television...
Horror films.
Geez our daughter is really going to be crazy huh.

"Like you said they're still young, I want them to enjoy their life as kids Ej. Let them be kids."

I kissed her forehead and cuddled with her.

"I know, how about this... I bring them once a week and if they don't want to come I won't force them."

She nods as she continue to watch the film...


It was the weekend and I decided to bring the little rascals to work.

I get confused by their names so I call them uno, dos and tres. It's kind of like their nicknames. Hopefully when they grew up we can differentiate them properly because as of now they completely look like each other.

It will be Zy's day to pamper herself because she's a hands on mom.
But not a hands on wife...

It's fine tho. I completely understand.

Right Ej?

The DominantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon