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I can't believe that my boys really liked the office, I made my office a little bit child proof. The edges of the table has a protective guard so nobody gets hurt.
Handling three boys is a lot.

A lot of fighting, crying, screaming, complaining, love, affection, cuddles. All of the good and the bad.

Being a father is hard, I can't imagine being the mother. It must be ten times harder.

I sighed as I take a break from signing and reading contracts to look at my boys.
Playing peacefully and minding their own worlds.

They are very different, my eldest Zane Aidan is the matured one very fit because he is the last born if you don't know thing about twins or triplets I might add, they say that whoever is the first born is technically the youngest because the eldest gives way, I don't know of it's true but we considered him as the eldest. We call him Uno. The second Zeus Abisha is the crazy one he loves explore and he's likely the one to get hurt because of all the things he does. He's Dos. and the third Zion Alijah also known as Tres, is the smartest of them. Not that I'm saying that the two is not smart but he likes to do puzzles and play with shapes. Not like the other two that mostly play with cars.

I can't wait for my baby girl to come...
She will have fun with her crazy brothers.
The princess of my empire.


After spending a day at my office, I asked the boys if they want to come again next week and they said yes as long as I buy them fastfood.

That's our little secret since mom won't allow them to eat fastfood, because you know it's unhealthy...

But fastfood won't kill them, it's not like they eat that everyday. 

I chuckled as I convince myself.

I'm only bribing them so they can come with me, I don't get to spend a lot of time with them but I try to, especially when it's my day off and when I get home.

They will start preschool next week. So I plan to help them with their assignment or take home activities. I'm sure Zy will have her hands full when our little girl comes. They're already 5 years old by the way, so we decided to enroll them at preschool.

Don't grew up so quickly my sons...



I screamed as the boys run home to their mom.


They screamed as they ran towards Zy who was at front of our house.

"Why aren't you running like your two crazy brothers?"

I asked Uno as we walk, holding each others hands.

"I'm gonna get home anyways, why rush?"

He said, I nod my head in agreement. Is my son 3 or 30? This one huh.

"Thank you dad. I really enjoyed today."

He said as he looked up on me.
I pat his head and made his hair a mess.

"No problem son, we'll do it every weekend from now on..."

"How was your day?"

Zy asked as she kiss me on the lips.

"It was very good, the boys did very well. Did you had fun today?"

I asked her back, I can see she managed to make an hair appointment and her nails are freshly painted.

"I did actually, I didn't worry at all. I know they're safe with you."

She joked as she picks up the mess that our sons made.

"Love what do you think? I'll harm them?!"

I teased and pretended to be hurt.

"I had a feeling you fed them something unhealhy... Umayos ka Ej."

I shrugged and followed the boys to the dining room.


She shouted across the room and I just laughed at her.

I love this woman...

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