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"Sir the meeting with Mr. Davis will start at 1:45 this afternoon."

I just nodded my head at my assistant Mildred as I continued signing papers. When will this fucking paper work end?
Seriously I get sick doing this thing over and over and over again.

I can't wait for my sons to grow up just so I can show them how this industry works and retire already. If it wasn't for them then I wouldn't really work hard this much. I just want to provide the best for my boys, especially now that we're having another addition to the family which is our little princess.

Honestly, me and my wife didn't really expect that we will have three boys at one pregnancy. Of course I was proud of my bullets because they shoot straight.
Kidding aside, after Zy give birth to those three little monsters our life has never been that easy. Because of them sharing one womb, the nutrition was not sufficient for the three of them making them vulnerable. They became really prone to sickness when they are newly born.

Luckily for us finance is not really a problem, even if I don't work my grandchildren would still have a luxurious life but that is not the point. It's hard to see your child suffering, imagine the pain was thrice because they are triplets...

We spent almost 3 months in the hospital because of the boys, they aren't stable enough to go home, during those months Zyraj would cry every night and seeing her at this state was like torture to me. We didn't know if the three of them would make it out alive.

We couldn't do anything about it. We just have to trust the professionals. One thing we did at that time of our lives was to pray and by God's grace everything turned out to be amazing. The boys became healthy and we are able to take them all home. 

There is really someone watching over us...


After I finished all the paper work I need to sign I immediately went to the conference room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting ladies and gentlemen."

I said as I shake their hands.

The meeting went on pretty smoothly, the proposal was great and I think the board was satisfied with Mr. Davis' presentation. I had to scan through all of his proposal just so I can be sure that all of it was in favor of both parties.

It is my company that is at risk after all.

One last goodbye for formality then I proceeded to go home to my family.
Ah. Home at last.


Hello, gusto ko lang sana sabihin sainyo na this will be just a short story with short updates (I guess). Since nagtime lapse lang sa last part lang ng story ni Zy. Sa story ni Ej ko hahapyawan yung mga bagay na wala sa story ni Zy.

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