What Does Love Feel Like?

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    “Take a little nap, Sunni. You’ll feel much better when you wake up, baby.” I softly told my baby daughter as I rocked her back and forth in my arms. She was still a little worked up from the little incident between her and Poppa.

    “Will you wake me up when baby Nathan gets here?” she asked.  I giggled because she was so obsessed with her baby cousin.

   “Of course I will, lil’ mama.” I assured her before placing her in her bed and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. I caressed her forehead for a few minutes as I watched her drift off to sleep.

    As I walked out of Sunni’s room, I saw Reagan peek her head into me and Storms bedroom.

  “Looking for me?” I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled. She followed me as I walked into my room and crawled into my bed. She climbed in behind me and laid her head in my lap.

   “What’s wrong, Rae?” I asked as I ran my fingers through her freshly pressed hair.

   “Nothing really.” She responded.

  “Is my son-in-law coming by for the gathering tonight?” I asked with a giggle, already knowing the answer.

  “Yeah. He’s coming after he finishes up at the studio.” She said as a huge smile spread across her face.

    A comfortable silence fell over the room before Reagan decided to speak up again.

  “Mom, what does love feel like? Like really being in love…what does it supposed to feel like?” she asked me thoughtfully.

   Butterflies immediately filled my stomach because my mind immediately went to my husband. Storm represented everything love to me.

  “It’s really hard for me to put into words.” I said, trying to suppress my giggles. I still get nervous when I talk about my feelings for my baby.

   “Come on, ma. Give me your best explanation.” She whined. I thought for a second and then spoke.

   “Love is an amazing feeling. When I think about love, I think about your father. The way that he treats me is love. Even when I give him a hard time and he snaps at me, I know its love. Love is when he makes me feel like I’m worth more than the rarest jewels when I feel lower than the ground itself. Love is when he just sees me and acts like I’m flawless or accepts me for every flaw that I have. Love is the story that your dad and I share. I mean we met in the most unconventional way possible; online. Our relationship was basically long distance. That meant that our relationship was tested each and every day. We had to have extreme trust in one another and at the end of the day, we both proved trustworthy. He opened up and let me into your life, which is something that he really wasn’t comfortable with at first. He uprooted yawls lives and moved to LA just so that we could be together as a family. There’s no deeper love than that.” I expressed to her wholeheartedly.

   “I can’t stand ya’ll. Ya’ll always in ya’ll feelings.” She said with a laugh.

    “You asked.” I said, joining in her laughter.

   “But for real, I admired you and daddy’s relationship. It’s really strong. Ricky wants our relationship to be like you guys’. Do you think we’ll make it that far?” she asked me.

   “I don’t know….maybe. Ricky has a good head on his shoulders and I’m pretty sure he’ll make a fine man in the future. One thing I did learn with Storm though is that, relationships are a about endurance. You can’t run away when the going gets tough. You gotta stick it out and weather the storm.”


Just a small update.....the final chapter is next!

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