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Lara's eyes scanned the device while she rubbed his thigh. The minute she had laid eyes on a particular set of letters on the EpiPen, she froze.

Turning to Jayden, she shrieked, "Jayden, it's expired!"

"I know," Jayden responded.


"I know it's expired. It can still be used."

The expiration date indicated the time at which the full potency and safety of the medication would begin to diminish. This meant that the epinephrine could still be useful long after it expired. Even though its concentration would decline, a single dose would still provide a beneficial pharmacologic response.

"Then why'd they bother to put an expiry date on it?" Lara started to ask, but he instructed,

"Tell Tim to get the car ready." Tim was his parent's driver.

Lara beseeched, "Where are you going in this condition? We-”

“I still need to go to the hospital.”

“Because it’s expired?” she asked in an 'aha!' tone.

“Expired or not, I need to go to the hospital,” he coughed. “Lara, just get my phone and call Tim. Quick.” Using EpiPen was only part of the treatment needed. Anyone who had experienced an anaphylactic reaction needed to be examined and monitored in the ER. This was because anaphylaxis wasn't always a single reaction: the symptoms could rebound.

Lara pushed herself to her feet as she implored, “Where’s your phone?”

“Bed,” he simply stated, a sense of relief washing over him as his body's itchness declined and his dizziness subsided, courtesy of the epinephrine.

Lara immediately retrieved his phone, but she scowled at the messages from different female names in his notification box;

‘jay we need to hang out. mu already’

‘u legit have his smile, im not evn playin’


‘dude ilysfm

‘Awdi literally said the same thing #mindblown’

But there was one in particular that had caught Lara’s eye and it had been from Kira;

‘Maybe it’s for the best <3’

What had they been discussing? What was for the best?

Had Jayden told her about their break up?

Did she think it was for the best?

Lara hurriedly called Tim after glancing at Jayden’s dishevelled state on the ground and had informed him of Jayden’s request.

“He’s ready,” she told Jayden.

Jayden then managed to rise to his feet, putting on a pair of brown denim shorts and a black shirt which Lara had brought to him as he wore his shorts.

As he put on the shirt, he surprisingly felt Lara’s hands on his flap.

“There,” she said after zipping his flap and buttoning his shorts. “Let’s go.”

She grabbed the EpiPen, his phone and his wallet as he marched out of his room with strength and stability he feared he might lose in the next thirty minutes if he had another anaphylactic attack.

He occupied the back seat which Tim had held open the door. Lara joined him in the backseat, opening the door from the other side.

No Tim service for her.

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