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After careful thinking, Miranda said, "Jayden, I'm going to ask you one question based on what you've told me so far."

Jayden nodded, "Okay."

"Do you," she paused, "love Kira or Lara?"

The unexpected question seized Jayden's gaze like a stripper would the richest man in the room as it slowly manifested in the corners of his mind thus, gaining his unwavering attention.

Kira or Lara?

Did he love Kira or Lara?

After a well-exhausted thought, he responded, "I love them both in different ways."

"In which ways?" Miranda prodded.

Jayden's hand absentmindedly found the back of his neck, "Kira is admirable. I admire and respect her with all of my heart. She has a very special place in my heart."

Miranda nodded.

"Lara," his gaze found the ceiling, "I love her as a woman. She brings out my adventurous side, she makes me laugh and gives me joy. Most times," he added.

"If you were to describe Kira and Lara in five words?" Miranda put forward.

"Kira; selfless, sacrificial, gentle, generous, extraordinary. Lara; exhilarating, funny, emotional, crazy, dramatic."

"They're very different people," Miranda made known the obvious. "Kira's peaceful. Lara's thrilling."

"Why the comparison though?" Jayden asked.

"Say, Kira was interested in having a romantic relationship with yo-"

"That's never going to happen," Jayden jumped in before she could finish, "It wouldn't. Kira doesn't like me that way. She wouldn't want that. She would never."

"Are you belittling yourself?"

"No, but let's be real here," he sat forward, "I'm not good enough for her. Someone like Kira deserves a Prince William or a Harry, not a regular Joe like myself."

"So you think Lara deserves a regular Joe like yourself?" she utilized his own words even though she disagreed with them.

Jayden's expressions fell flatter than an amateur attempting a closing chord from Beethoven's symphony, "Actually, no. I think she deserves someone with a perfect past. No baggage, a saint. Mother Theresa's best friend."

"I see," Miranda chuckled, but Jayden immediately shifted into serious mode as he implored,

"You know the story. What should I do? Should I ignore Lara, forget about our time together or put everything behind me and try to be with her again? I want to believe my love for her is that strong."

Miranda joined her hands on one covered thigh, "Bring her tomorrow. Bring her and you'll have your answer after the meeting."

"She wouldn't want to come,"

"Make the effort and hear it from her own lips before you conclude."

Jayden sighed, then lifted his head and nodded. Exhaustion coated his striking deep blue eyes as he ran slender fingers through his dark tresses that overlapped each other in a spiralling mass of wavy strands.


Miranda locked the door after Jayden had left but suddenly got startled by her daughter's voice,

"Oh. My. God."

"What?" Miranda raised her brows at her daughter, Ariana, who had been standing frozen a couple of feet away.

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