Chapter 23- FACE TO FACE

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DO YOU HAVE YOUR SEAT BELTS ON?? You're gonna need em for this chapter, fr.

The hand lingered on his frozen shoulder, his shoulder that would probably stay frozen for the next couple of days.

The prison guard who wore an incredulous frown on her tired looking face pointed to the empty metallic chair against the wall.

Jayden felt the weight on his shoulder no more, but immediately clenched his jaw when the hand raked itself through his dark tousled hair, disheveling it.

"Sit!" The prison guard ordered the prisoner behind Jayden, and Jayden's chest tightened.

He was going to see her.

The thick, tall woman in an orange shirt and matching pants walked past Jayden, brushing his frozen shoulder.

She slammed her hands on the table, keeping Jayden on full alert, as she slumped herself in her seat, exhaling.

The prison guard scowled, "Keeping my eyes on you, Burner. Don't try anything funny."

In a couple of seconds, the guard walked away. Jayden was finally face to face with the wrecker of his childhood.

She had hazel eyes which looked a little bit sunken, a heart shaped face with light brown shoulder-length hair cascading over her shoulders, a straight nose that appeared to be red.

Someone broke her nose?

And her lips were thin, and uncurved.

She crossed her leg over the other and relaxed in her chair, opening her mouth to speak,

"When I heard a coupla days ago that you were coming to see me, I knew that miracles do happen."

That voice. It hadn't changed in the slightest bit.

Jayden observed the woman as she spoke. He listened as she spoke. Listened to her choice of words and tonation.

The white girl with the tattoos and orange hair sitting beside them also eavesdropped. No way on earth was she missing this.

Florence took the time to observe the man Jayden had grown into. The last time she saw him, he was merely 12. Now, according to the years apart, he was 21, heading to 22.

His dark hair was disheveled because of her hand-raking, but he didn't move an inch to try to make it look less messy. His dark perfect brows slightly pushed together with his dark blue eyes resting on her face, and his light stubble was perfectly kept.

His hands were crossed over his soft wine shirt that concealed all the muscles rippling beneath.

"What. a. god." Florence emphasised on each word, her eyes roaming his body, wishing the table didn't have to block more of the good stuff.

Fuck you. Jayden wanted to say, but remained silent.

It wasn't the right time, or the right words.

Before Florence continued, she turned to the white girl, enabling Jayden to catch a side view of her face which had a little scar in front of her small ear.

"I hope you didn't trouble my visitor." She told the girl who whipped her head to see Florence's hazel eyes on her, "This one's special."

The girl's mouth curved into a nervous smile, "Of course not!"

"Good. I know your cell, Parker."

"Of course!" Parker nervously laughed and turned to her lawyer, mouthing, 'Get me out of here'.

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