Chapter 32- DON'T HOLD BACK

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(I'm not going to put an indication on this chapter. If something happens, you'll see it. If nothing happens, you'll see it. No spoilers/non-spoilers)


Jayden's eyes widened as he took in his current situation. Lara had just stripped down to nothingness and was standing inches away from his bed.

Blood pulsated through every nerve of his body as he ran his eyes over her alluringly curvy body, feeling his body succumb to the power of her seduction.

He ran his fingers through his dark hair as he slowly walked to his left side, fighting the temptation to do justice to his tremulous body. Warily rubbing his face, he began to walk back to his original position when he heard her say,

"Stop holding back."

Lara tried hard to overshadow the fear that was kicking in albeit her semi drunken state, with the confidence Brie had insisted she displayed. He couldn't resist this. He couldn't.

He held both his arms across his exposed broad chest and focused his gaze on the ceramic tiled floor, willing to fix his gaze on anything apart from her body.

Lara told him, "Come to me, or I'll come to you."

She could see how hard he tried to resist her. This meant that he was still attracted to her. Desire was very evident from his body language. She could also make out his craving, yearning and most of all, his hunger. It was almost too obvious from the way his hunger had filled the room that he was starved.

"You need to go, Lara." He said without looking at her.

"Make me."

He'd have to do better than that, she thought.

"You really don't have to do this."

"Look at me." Lara instructed when he still faced the ground. "Why are you fighting it?"

He asked back, "Why are you doing something you're not comfortable with?"

"What makes you think I'm not?"

He looked up and met her gaze. "I can see it in your eyes."

Lara hesitated to speak. He wasn't right. She was comfortable with it. She wanted to do this.

Reviving some bit of confidence, she held her head high and announced, "Come to me, or I'll come to you."

Jayden ran his hand over his face, wishing resisting her wasn't as difficult as it was.

"Five seconds..." She warned, "If you don't come, I will."

Jayden lulled his head back as he stared at the ceiling with his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants as she began counting,


She took advantage of the moment to drag her eyes down his perfectly sculpted body, from his dark tousled hair, his conspicuous Adam's apple that bobbed up and down regularly, his broad manly shoulders and biceps, drool-worthy abs, to his long toned legs that were hidden beneath his sweatpants.


She crossed her arms beneath her ample bosom, "Four..."

If he wasn't going to move, she definitely will.


She didn't get to complete the word because to her surprise and fear, he started moving towards her.

His slow strides raised tension within her flesh as soberness began to hit her, and she began to ask herself if she was really prepared for this.

She had just asked the man to make love to her even on the goddamn wall. The look in his eyes alone as he moved towards her was enough to strip her of every bit of confidence she thought she had.

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