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Welcome back ya beautiful humans. What's the time at your end?

Previously: Jayden and Lara are in the Lakehouse, and it's the last day of their no sexual activity rule.

This song is absolutely soothing. And her voice is bloody amazing. Play whenever you want to. You'll love it.


Walking into a beautifully designed, spacious bedroom which had been partially illuminated by the orange light from the hallway, Jayden, with Lara still on his back, walked towards the bed and sat at the edge of it.

And while he expected Lara to detach herself from his back, she rather wrapped her legs around his waist and placed her head on his back as she wrapped her arms around his chest.

"Look who's feeling cuddly," Jayden chuckled as he placed his hands on her calves. He proceeded to untie her right sneaker laces, then pulled off the sneaker. He did the same for her other leg as she remained put at his back.

"Your hands are cold," Lara mentioned once he pressed her bare feet with his hands, "Did you stick your hands into some freezer or something?"

Jayden got to his feet and turned to face her. He then pulled her parted jean-clad legs so her rear was at the edge of the bed but anchored by his firm posture. The sudden pull traced chills down the length of her spine.

"I should stick them into something warm then," he murmured, intensely holding her gaze.

"I wonder what," Lara's eyes translated suspicion as his striking deep blue eyes began to roam her entire body.

A tingling sensation crawled its way up her inner thighs, provoked not just because he was looking at her body, but by the manner in which he did.

His torturing gaze lingered over the spots on her body he knew when touched, came to life immediately, as his devious, sneaky tongue sensually ran across the soft layer of his lower lip.

"You're not allowed to," Lara hesitated, "do that."

"Do what?" his eyes, now filled with amusement, returned to hers.

Lara wondered which had been worse; him looking at her body or staring right into her eyes.

"What, look at you?" he asked amusedly.

"There's a difference between simply looking and ogling. You were ogling."

"You're fully clothed," he jokingly argued.

"That's not a good excuse. For all I know, you," she nervously added with a hand gesture, "you were undressing me with your gaze."

"A simple gaze made you feel that way?" surprise was evident in his voice as he went on to suggest, "Maybe we should extend our thirty-day rule to sixty."

Lara tried to push his chest with her foot but he gripped her thighs immediately, provoking another rush of sensation up her thighs, as he leaned in and murmured close to her ear, "What happened to your speech?"

"It's waiting for an hour," she gulped, his alluring scent contributing to her arousal.

Jayden withdrew his head from her ear so he was face to face with her. "Counting down?"

Still enduring the mental twirl his closeness and scent had thrust her in, she responded, "I set the alarm on my phone hours ago. Nine pm it was when we made this rule. Nine pm it shall be broken."


Jayden joined her on the bed and lay right beside her with a hand behind his head. He joined his slender fingers with her dainty ones, and commented after a while of deep thinking, "You know, I'm really glad we did this."

His Personal Maid ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora