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Maya: I'm so sorry guys. I'm sorry for missing last week's update. I-

Readers: *holds up hand* It's too late, to apologize, It's too laaatee.

Maya: *sits in a corner and watches them purposefully silent read* Come on guys, I'll make it up to you. What are your wishes?

"What in God's name is going on here?" Mr. Benson who was standing in the vertical hallway leading to the horizontal one in front of the quiet room where Jayden stood frozen with Lara in his arms, asked again.

He had seen them embrace each other deeply after they had come out of Jayden's former therapy room which had not been in use for several months now.

Lara slowly let herself slip from Jayden's arms and stood beside him, silence filling the air as the awareness of Mr. Benson seeing them in that position had begun to ease itself into their minds.

Jayden nervously placed his hand at the back of his head, "What are you doing here, dad?"

He wondered how on earth he was going to answer his father's questions. And if he did truthfully, how would his father take it?

He wasn't ready to be lectured on what was right and wrong for him.

"What is going on between you two?" Mr. Benson ignored his question with a frown and was met with dead silence from his son and Lara.

Jayden then spoke, "Can we talk about this... privately?"

Mr. Benson's steely gaze was unwaved for a generous amount of seconds, before he walked towards the quiet room door, unlocked it after grabbing the key from the dish and entered the room.

Jayden followed right after but when Lara was about to enter, Mr. Benson told her to wait outside while he talked to his son.

"What in Heaven's name is going on between you two?" Mr. Benson growled at his son, "Are you out of your mind?!"

Jayden sighed whilst holding both his arms as his father went on, "Lara is your personal maid, she shouldn't be anything more. Why her? Of all the girls, why your personal maid? Do you want to go down that road again? Do you not remember everything that happened because of it? You want to see your past repeat itself?"

"Dad, let me explain things to y-"

"How long has this been going on?"

Jayden sighed again. How was he going to get himself out of the situation? How was he going to convince his father that what he and Lara had was completely different from his past experiences with his personal maids?

It was completely different.

"It's not the same as before." Jayden began to explain, "It's different with her."

"Spare me the 'different' talk. I'm not about to see you go down that road again. End whatever you have with her."

Jayden disagreed. "I'm not doing that."

Mr. Benson stared at his son surprisingly.
"Why? I know Lara is young and beautiful, but getting yourself involved with your personal maid might open doors from the past and we don't want that."

"I know, but it won't happen. Lara and I have connected over the past few months and what I feel for her is real. It's growing. I really like her, and she makes me feel.." He hesitated, then rephrased his words, "She makes me want to be serious."

His father was silent as he critically observed Jayden speak,

"She's not just a simple fling, no. What we're having is real and we're willing to take it as far as it goes."

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