Chapter 43 - Life changed in a split second

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Dylan's POV

I was shocked but happy with what just happened in the car but now we were nearly home and for some reason I was nervous. I still get butterflies everytime I think of her and how much I love her but our bubble will burst at some point and I hope we can get through the bad which I think we can.

I was sitting thinking over this when I heard the brakes squeal, the sound of metal bending and then the car swerved the next thing I knew I was upside down and then the right way, I looked to my side but I couldn't see Raven to be honest I couldn't see much apart from blood but I put my hand out to her automatically and then I felt her and heard her breathing "Raven speak to me sweetie" I said, nothing came back then we were still and I could feel my panic rising. I tried to move but couldn't it hurt too much and then I couldn't hear Raven anymore "Raven come on please make a noise talk to me sweetheart I need to know your ok" nothing not even a moan.

I moved as much as I could and looked at her and my heart sank she was slumped forward and I could see blood coming from her head, ears and mouth but I did notice her chest was moving so she was still breathing with that I started to shout for hel...

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I moved as much as I could and looked at her and my heart sank she was slumped forward and I could see blood coming from her head, ears and mouth but I did notice her chest was moving so she was still breathing with that I started to shout for help and then I saw someone at my window all they said was "stay still ok I will try to get you out emergency services have been called and are on their way ok" "yeah but please check on my girlfriend" "I will I promise" and with that they were gone and I just said "Raven did you hear that help is on the way" but still nothing then I heard the siren's and breathed a sigh of relief.

I was the first to be approached as they could get to me on my side "hi are you ok" the policeman asked "yeah I am ok a bit sore but my seatbelt saved me" "ok well we can get to you so I am going to wait for the fire service to come then we will get you out and see about getting your friend out" "she's my girlfriend her name's Raven please help her" "we will but first can I take your name?" "Yeah my name's Dylan but please get me out and help her she took the full force of it and she's not responding to me" "ok but I have to wait ok Dylan the EMT has to check you out first ok?" "Not really but ok" just as the last words left my lips we both heard a groan coming from Raven then she went quiet again.

The EMT turned up and checked me out and apart from a few bruise's and a soar leg I was fine so they allowed the fireman to open the door and he helped me out and the next thing I knew the EMT was in the car checking out Raven then came the words I was dreading "she's breathing just but she has taken the full force of the collision, she's trapped by her legs and she got a bad head trauma so we need to get her out ok" that was the last I heard as I was ushered away and into the ambulance.

It felt like an eternity before I heard news "Dylan?" "yes sorry I don't know your name?" "It's Clive and I thought you would like to know they have got Raven out but at the moment that's all I know" "thank you seriously I needed to know that" "thought you might" with that he left then I saw the stretcher go past and realised it was Charlie's ex from the video earlier and then came the next stretcher but this time it was Raven and she looked like a rag doll.

I couldn't believe an hour or so ago I was so happy and now my world had collapsed around me but at least she was alive, the thought that she could have died nearly killed me but she was still alive but in surgery as her legs were smashed up and she had a head injury as well.

I was still in shock but suddenly realised I needed to make calls I had to ring her parents, my parents and our friends. First I decided to ring Mary and George "Hello" Mary answered the phone "Hello Mary it's Dylan" "Ok what's up? I can hear it in your voice what's happened?" "Ok Mary but you have to listen ok?" "Yes just tell me" "ok we have been in a car accident and Raven has been injured badly" "Dylan what do you mean injured" "she's in surgery her legs have been crushed and she had a head injury that's all I know when I know more I will let you know ok" "We are coming over" "that's fine you can stay with me" we then said our goodbyes and I called my mam "mam" was all I managed before I fell apart and cried down the phone "Dylan honey what's wrong speak to me please speak to me" "we have been in a car crash and Raven has been seriously injured she's in surgery and I am in shock mam she could have died" I took a breath and she said "I am on my way ok with your dad" "ok" and then we said our goodbyes and I pulled myself together and rang Charlie, luckily she was with Tyler I filled them in and they were at the hospital with in half an hour after sorting the dogs.

Charlie walked in and just hugged me and held me and in that moment everything boiled up and I fell apart I couldn't help it the tears wouldn't stop but she just held me and when I eventually stopped and pulled away I just sat on my bed. Charlie broke the silence "so what happened?" "I don't know we went to the cinema and had a great time and on the way home a car drove into us" "how do you mean drove into you?" "Well I am sure your ex was the driver I saw him on a stretcher but that's it" "what?" "I know it sounds weird but I swear it was him" "ok no problem hon we will work it out but first we have to get you and Raven sorted ok" and with that she moved to the side and Tyler stepped in "come here" was all he said and I just laughed but he walked over to me and hugged me "we will be here for you ok" "thank you I will need help with the dogs etc as they want to keep me in for a while with my accident and then this" "that's not a problem" "oh and my parents and Ravens parents are coming so I need to make sure the house is ok" "leave it to me" was all Charlie said and I nodded just then the doctor cane in.

"Hi doc so what's the damage?" "You have a couple of broken ribs and bruises" "and my girlfriend Raven any news?" "I am sorry shes still in surgery as soon as I know more I will let you know" "thank you" and then he left and I slumped back on the bed "hey" was all Charlie said "what?" I said "she's going to need you and us" that was all she needed to say and I smiled and said "yes your right" and we just sat and waited.

It felt like an eternity again but eventually a doctor came along and knocked on the door to my room, apparently people now knew what had happened and the press and fan's were now outside the hospital so I was hiding in my room you never know, "Mr O'Brien?" "Yeah call me Dylan" "ok well Dylan hello I am Dr Jervis and I have been in surgery with Raven she's out now but still fully sedated" "but she's ok right?" Charlie asked "well she's in traction she has broken both legs in five places and her pelvis" "ok but her head injury?" I asked and the answer I got scared me "We have done all we can now it's just time and waiting for her to come round" but I was feeling positive she was alive we would get through this and with that I lay back and fell asleep Charlie and Tyler stayed with me and fell asleep on the chairs and I slept for a while. I woke up half way through the night with a start and looked at Charlie and Tyler and realised we would get through this together all of us and tomorrow I would speak to grit but for tonight I just needed to sleep I needed my strength so I could help Raven and I will also speak to my agent and with that I turned over and went to sleep again and slept soundly for the rest of the night knowing that Raven was alive, hurt badly but alive.

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