Chapter six - The meeting

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Wrote in third party

Dylan and Julia touched down in Heathrow airport London early in the morning and managed to make their way through security and to their next flight which would take them to Newcastle he had the address of the hospital and would be there by 2pm that afternoon.  Both of them where tired but had managed to sleep on the plane after all he had upgraded them to business class or whatever it was called now but to them they had been traveling for 1 day and it  was telling on Julia.  On the plane from London to Newcastle she slept the whole way and when they got to Newcastle she was exhausted.

Raven was sitting in her room in the hospital dressed thank God and hair done but still very paranoid about her face and the scar and also meeting Dylan.  What happens if people recognise him and come flocking she’s not sure she can do this and has sent him a message but no response he is probably still traveling.  She has been told by the nurses to calm down as her blood pressure has gone through the roof.  She is trying to do this but it’s hard she keeps looking in the mirror and all she can see is the scar.  She looks down she is wearing a pair of jeans and a top she looks awful but heyho she had not told anyone so he will have to take her as he finds her.

Dylan has just turned on his phone as he steps out of the terminal at Newcastle and bleep

Do u think this is a good idea ? It’s probably too late now sorry see u soon x

He was fine she was nervous so was he but he was doing this.  Him and Julia got in the taxi he gave the taxi driver the address and they were off.  Julia managed just to keep awake and said “so once we meet your hopefully new girlfriend what then have you booked any accommodation for us? “Did it on the plane we r staying in the Hilton in Gateshead” “ok cool” and within 15 mins of getting in the taxi they were at the hospital.  “Do you think I should message her to let her know?” “yes” was all Julia said as they entered the hospital “oh and you may want to ask her what ward she’s on and which room while your at it” “good idea I know there was a reason I brought you” Dylan said sarcastically but smiling as well.  Julia had never seen him so happy and deep down she hoped this worked out for him.  Dylan took out his phone and sent the message.

Hi Raven yeah u were a bit late with ur message and I think it’s a great idea that we meet but could you let me know what ward ur on and ur room number as I am in the entrance hall and people are looking at me and I want to get out of here before I am recognised if I am recognised ? X

Raven received the message as the nurse was just finishing off cleaning her weeping scar again when it came through so she asked the nurse for directions and then sent Dylan the message.

Hi take the furthest lift u can to floor 3 I am on ward 14 room 3 see u soon x

Her stomach was doing somersaults but she got up looked in the mirror and quickly applied what makeup she could as in lipstick and a little eye shadow and then sat on the bed and waited.

Dylan and Julia followed the directions to the letter and found the ward no bother and her room but nerves got the better of him and he couldn’t do it he couldn’t go in.  Julia pulled him to one side and asked him “whats up what’s the matter you have traveled for hours to get here now come on what’s really up?” “I am really scared Julia what if she decides she doesn’t like me and I leave with nothing” “well unless you go in you will never know” just then they hear a cough from behind them and turn quickly.  It’s a nurse “can I help you? Are you lost?” “no I am looking for Raven Mackintosh” “oh u must be Dylan?” “yeah nice to meet you” he said putting out his hand and the nurse just laughed and said “I know who you are I have seen The Maze runner and First Time. Can I just let you know she’s very nervous and can I ask for your autograph as well just when your finished” “yeah not a problem” “ok well this is her room so go on in” and with that the door was opened and in he walked.

Raven was sitting looking out the window so she had her back to them when they walked in.  Her hair was hanging long and black down her back and as she turned to him he knew that he had been right she was beautiful and everything her photos showed her to be.  He could see she was nervous and then she smiled a broad smile and he was gone he knew he had made the right choice.  She then realized there was someone else with him and said “hi I am Raven come in both of you” and gave me a quizzical look I blushed and said “hi oh yeah forgot to mention I brought my younger sister for moral support.  Julia meet Raven and Raven meet Julia” both of them just laughed and the ice and tension was broken.

When Dylan had walked in Raven had literally stopped breathing she had forgotten how to her he was more handsome and built than she had thought possible his moles oh his moles they looked much cuter in the flesh but his eyes omg his caramel eyes she could just stare into them for the rest of her life. He was wearing that stripped hoodie again seriously did this dude have no other clothes because when he removed it he was wearing his white t shirt with the blue rim and jeans with his sneakers she couldn’t help but check out his biceps and the built body under the tshirt she could feel her cheeks heat up but it didn’t matter.

Dylan walked around the bed and sat down next to her he wanted to be there  next to her for as long as she would allow it as now she held all the cards.  Julia coughed and said “listen it was nice to meet you Raven but you both have things to discuss so I am going to go to the cafeteria I saw downstairs do you want anything?” Raven answered  her “no but thanks” and smiled and Dylan just smiled and shook his head and mouthed thank you and Julia just smiled and left the room.

They were alone now and it took everything she had but Raven broke the silence “so how was the flight?” “it was fine I managed to sleep so that helped” “yeah I guess it would when I came back from New York the first time I slept and on my way back from Portland I did as well but the last time I couldn’t that was a killer” then it went quiet again and they just sat this was impossible.  Then she decided ok enough is enough time to talk this out and went for it “so you want to explain properly then what all this was about as I am still in shock as one minute I am chatting etc with this stranger who I am never going to meet and the next he’s sitting in my hospital room on my bed and he’s a fricken movie star that I have fancied and being quite candid because I can be fantasised over so I think I deserve a explanation don’t you” but she smiled to let him know she wasn’t too angry and then he explained everything and when he had finished she just laughed and said “it kind of makes sense I guess” and he took hold of her hand that was on the bed and said “so you forgive me then?” “yes of course Christ how could I not” and then he lifted her hand to his mouth and softly kissed it and smiled that sexy lopsided smile and she was his lock stock and all the baggage.  She laughed at his gesture but did not pull her hand away so they sat there hand in hand for a while then she stood up and moved so she was in front of him, he looked into her eyes and smiled again no words were needed and she leaned into him and whispered in his ear “your sister is hovering around I just saw her maybe you should go now I will message you ok” and then she pecked his lips and smiled “that’s all your getting for now but remember the messages” he just looked at her and smirked “I will believe you me” then he pulled her in and kissed her hard and passionately just as Julia walked in “oh sorry but Dylan we have to go the nurse just said” he just turned to Julia and said 'its fine we are finished for now” and he stood up and kissed her forehead “I will see u tomorrow ok same time” “ok I was wondering do u want my number so we can wattsapp or video call if not that’s fine just thought I would ask your choice?” “yeah of course sorry I am kind of still half asleep” they swapped numbers and Dylan left with Julia and Raven made him a wattsapp contact and sent

Hi did a wattsapp for us we still need to discuss some things and I think it will be better to do it on here ok x

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