Chapter 24 - First night/second day in South Shields

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Dylan’s POV

I didn’t want to sleep I just wanted to hold her for the rest of my life and stare at her but instead I watched the TV and then I started thinking about us in America with our dogs.  I thought about it and worked it all out and it was beautiful we were happy and the next thing I knew I was asleep cuddled into her and then the TV woke me up and I turned over and turned off the TV but in the process I had woken Raven up.

“Is everything ok? What’s wrong?” “nothing I was turning off the TV” “ok” and with that she turned over and went back to sleep.  I spooned her for the rest of the night contented and comfortable in the knowledge that she was all mine.
The night had gone well we were ok and she had opened up to me, the dogs seem to be better with me and I was happy just then my phone bleeped I moved from holding my girl and checked my phone it was from
Tyler H

Hi man just dropping u a quick message to give u the heads up one of Ravens friends has spilt the beans about everything that’s going on her user name is @witch1966 and I think she’s drunk but she’s done it

OMG wat r u kidding me ok thanks I will sort this out and speak to Raven in the morning she’s sound asleep

Ok let me know how it goes

Ok will do

I just lay there thinking about it and then I checked Twitter and loan and behold there were the tweets I couldn’t understand why she would do this but she had and now there was going to be one hell of a shit storm and I had to be the one to tell Raven. 

I looked at the clock 5.30am and I cuddled into Raven again and took a deep breath and closed my eyes but I couldn’t sleep how could Jen of all people do this to her jealousy maybe I don’t know and with that I turned on my back and lay staring at the ceiling trying to work out how I was going to tell her.

Raven woke up at about 8 and turned to me “good morning handsome” “morning princess” and then she moved over and kissed me “whats wrong?” she asked and I just looked at her and said “I got a message from Tyler H last night giving me a heads-up and I am so sorry but your friend Jen has fed us to the dogs” she sat up with her back on the headrest “what are you talking about” I heard it in her voice she was hurt “I am sorry she’s gone on Twitter and told her story check it out for yourself I have read them” “I don’t want to just tell me please” “she let it all out me being Stuart and how we met on the internet and everything” “no u have it wrong she wouldn’t I only spoke and messaged her a little while back and she was fine.  Someone must have hacked her or something she wouldn’t do this to me she wouldn’t” Raven just looked so heartbroken I put my arm around her and held her but she shrugged me off which hurt but I understood “no I need to see it for myself before I believe it” and with that she picked up her phone.  I saw the hurt in her face as she read the messages and my heart just kept breaking then came the tears “she must hate me she’s made it sound so much worse than it was.  Oh look I have a wattsapp message and it’s from her let’s see what’s she’s said “oh my God what a bitch she’s put and I quote “sorry but I think it’s time this friendship ended and also I have told the story on Twitter” what the fuck I don’t get this” “I know it’s hard but don’t reply she has made her feelings known and now we can move on” she now hugged me and I held her as she cried she soon calmed down and pulled away “your so right who needs her I want to swap her with Maisie my friend for the trip please” “that’s fine I will let my company know of the change” and with that she kissed me and said “ok well I am hurt but I will get over it” and with that she picked up her phone and after a couple of minutes of frantic typing and button pressing she declared “all sorted blocked her from everything and Informed her she is no longer on the list and blocked her from my wattsapp as well” I just kissed her a peck more like it and she kneeled on the bed and said “ok so what do you want to do today?” “I don’t know maybe sort out flights?” “shit yes but I need to speak to Grit first remember I said I would go to see her before our trip to America so maybe we can look at flights to Germany and then from there to America? What do you think?” “sounds like a plan” “ok” and then she jumped on me straddling my hips “but first” she said with a smirk and bent down and kissed me “I have something else in mind” “wow hang on your parents” “well your just going to have to be quiet” she said as she rubbed herself against my still clothed hard on and I let out a little moan “I love you but shut up” was all she said as she started to kiss my neck and work her way down.
Let’s just say it was the best and worst blow job I ever had as I so wanted to let go but couldn’t her parents were like right next door so I buried my head in the pillow as I came to not make a noise and she was cruel by swallowing and then she came back up kissed me and started all over again it was pure torture but the second time it was a hand job so it was easier as she was kissing me so I was kind of distracted from wanting to moan.  It also meant I could kiss her as well and that was exactly what I did.  I managed to get her PJ bottoms down and she kicked them off and then she positioned herself so it was easier for me and my fingers went to work on her clit she pulled away from kissing me and moaned/whispered into my ear “faster I need you to go faster and press harder” and so I did she was now moving with my strokes “fuck I am nearly there” was all she moaned in my ears and that was enough to push me over the edge for the second time as soon as my orgasm subsided I continued on her but I also changed our position so I was on top and continued my assault on her clit “now it’s your turn no noise princess” I whispered and with that I moved down from her ear to her neck but I also slowed down and released the pressure on her clit to slow the whole thing down “oh god don’t stop” “ssshhhh” was all she got from me and when I looked at her she was biting her bottom lip to not make a noise.  I moved down slowly but eventually got to her clit and used my tongue on it and the reaction was great she came instantly but I wasn’t finished I continued to work her with my tongue and she was squirming in pleasure and then still using my tongue to satisfy her clit and pushed a finger inside and she gasped and spluttered “more” and with that I pushed in another and instantly went to work on her g spot the orgasms were superb I felt her clench and then relax three times around my fingers and then it was over, she was breathless and sweaty but she looked so beautiful in the after glow of her orgasms “well I didn’t expect that” was all she said “you did me it was only fair I reciprocated” she just laughed “ok good point anyway flights and Grit before anything else” “ok well no sex while your parents are in” “yeah but they will be going to work soon” she said winking at me “so round two' I just laughed and tickled her and she wriggled under me laughing she was so cute.
We didn’t bother getting ready that day we had what Raven called a PJ day and stayed in with the dogs.  She managed to arrange a little 3 night stay with Grit and Nat on our way to America and she had also checked her dogs in for their shots as they were coming over with her, she said she would leave them but it was me who said no they had to come. 

I rang Julia as well to let her know our plans but she said she would come over with the dogs a week later as she was enjoying her time with Victoria and she had a fortnight’s break coming up then so she was bringing her over with her for 2 weeks, which I found really good.  We had both found love through Stewart my alter ego and in the north east of England who knew.

We were leaving on Saturday for Germany and the dogs were coming out the following week as Raven didn’t want to take them to Germany she thought it would be too much for them and I agreed.  I wanted to see more of Ravens home town but it was only Thursday we still had tomorrow and like she said it was small we could drive around it so she got her way and to be honest I was pleased as we had sex and a great day in front of the TV and Hoechlin (I still find it strange she named her dog after my best friend) was getting used to me he would now let me stroke him and Malia without bearing his teeth at me so that was progress and we were nearly finished designated survivor as well.

The reporters we’re still outside but they were dwindling down now and we kept the curtains closed which must have been pissing them off.  George had walked the dogs so we didn’t have to do that so we just chilled and slummed it all day it was perfect.  Bleep my phone went off

Tyler H
Ok I haven’t heard anything so is everything ok?
Yeah everything is fine.  Raven was upset but she’s fine now.
Tyler H
Good I am glad.  Did you find out what it was about?
No she told her to fuck off I think and then blocked her from everything
Tyler H
Well done to her ok well do you know when you will be back as I am still at yours?
In about a weeks time I think we fly to Germany on Saturday having 3 nights at A friends house and then we are having a night in a hotel my treat and then flying home so will be back in LA next Friday.
Tyler H
Ok that’s fine see you then I will make sure the fridge is full and the dogs are walked
Ok thanks and hang around you can meet Raven I can’t wait for u to meet
Tyler H
Ok well why don’t I pick u up from the airport?
Yeah bring Roscoe she will like that I will send you the flight details nearer the time.
Tyler H
Ok see you then bye for now

With that he was gone and I was snuggled up on the sofa with my girl all happy.

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