Chapter 19 - The Confirmation Tweet

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Third Party POV

Raven woke up screaming but she wasn’t in bed somehow she was at the room door sitting holding the door handle desperate to get out and Dylan was trying to calm her down.  She was hysterical and he had no idea what to do.  When she eventually pulled herself together and knew she was awake she grabbed him and pulled him on to her needing his warmth and to feel safe and he cuddled her in close and kissed the top of her head.  Once her shoulders had stopped shaking and her breaths were calm he pulled away and looked at her and said “you ok?” his voice was full of sympathy and care she just nodded and said “I am sorry really sorry I thought I was over them I haven’t had a night terror in like god months' “it’s fine I researched them when doing void stiles but Jesus seeing it for real is scary' “like I said I am sorry they started after my dad died and then again when I just broke up with Carl” “so it’s stress related then?” “seems to be yeah' “ok let’s get back into bed ok” and with that he helped her up and they got back into bed instantly my head was on his chest and he was cuddling me in.  After a while of just lying there Dylan broke the silence “can I ask you something” “yeah anything you know that” “,what was the dream about?” “ I was running away from a mob of people you were in front of me and I was trying to get to you and then a door appeared and started to close you were on one side I was on the other then it closed and I was stuck with the mob and then I woke up” “so it’s me I have done this” Raven moved and leant on her elbow with her hand under her chin “its got nothing to do with you and I love you don’t ever think that but the truth is once that tweet goes out all this changes and there will be backlash I get that but what’s really getting to me is the fact you will tell the world with a tweet and I haven’t even met your parents and you have met mine stupid I know but it’s just how I feel” “no that’s not stupid at all why don’t we put that right then?” “what ?” “yeah put a t shirt on” and he was up and doing what he told her to do so she did and brushed her hair by the time she had caught up and turned around he was sitting back on the bed with his iPad and he tapped for her to sit next to him.

She did as she was motioned to do and sat next to him and he facetimed his dad Patrick “hi son you ok” “yeah dad I am fine I am in England in a beautiful coastal town called Whitby' “ok what are you doing there? Is it for a movie?” “no I am here to meet a girl dad say hello to Raven” and with that he swung the iPad around so he could see her “hello” was all she could think of to say and waved “hi ok well this is new, sorry, hi I am Patrick obviously and my wife Lisa is out at the moment but hey it was nice to meet you, kind of, free I hope to meet you in the flesh as well though” “yeah me too I am sorry this wasn’t what I had in mind I am sure Dylan will explain everything” and she glared at him and he moved the camera so we were both on the screen “dad I am sorry it’s just I have been spotted here and I am going public today with a tweet which will be going on all social media sites and we didn’t want you to see it without telling you first” “that makes sense son so how long has this been going on?” Raven jumped in and said “5 months give or take’ and Dylan went with that nodding “5 months Jesus and I am just finding out now” this time Raven shut up and looked at Dylan 'this one is all yours good luck” “thanks hon love you ok dad we met on line long story and I decided to travel over to meet her again a long story but I mean it when I say I love her' “hey that’s fine son who am I to question you and raven you seem nice by the way does Julia know?” again Raven stayed quiet and Dylan answered looking sheepish 'yeah she’s here with me sorry Dad I thought I could do this with no press etc but I was wrong and she was upset so I brought her with me” “oh ok anyone else who know before your parents then?” Raven giggled like a teenager she got the sarcasm in Patrick’s voice and this made Patrick smile as well and Dylan just rolled his eyes and said “yeah ok point taken on this one thing I wanted it to be for me only but yeah I informed Tyler I needed advice on a couple of things” “ok son I guess I understand and she seems lovely your mum will be home in an hour will you be available as I am sure she would like to meet Raven” “yeah ok sure” he said and he looked at Raven who was now dropping and said “actually dad has she got her phone on her ?” “yeah why” “we woke up deliberately early to catch you both and need to go back to sleep for a while so is she at work or shopping?” “shes at work and yes she will take your call she always does.  Raven it was nice to meet you” “you too” Raven replied and Dylan said “ok thanks Dad love you” “bye son and same” with that they hung up “that went well don’t you think?” Dylan said and raven just looked at him raising her eyebrows and said “really you think that went well? I think he was upset and hurt you need to apologise to him and make it up to him you hear me?” 'yeah ok I got that now for my mam” and with that he dialed his mam “hi mum you ok?” “yeah I am fine I see from Twitter that your in England are you having a good time?” “Oh mum I am sorry for not telling you but can I introduce you to my new girlfriend Raven” and with that he pulled her in and she smiled and waved “hi nice to meet you Mrs O’Brien my name is raven” “oh yes sorry hi Raven nice to meet you as well.  Dylan this is nice and great to meet you Raven but it’s a shock sorry if I sound off Dylan what’s going on why the rush with the FaceTime?” “oh ok I am going public today about us” “oh ok and can I ask when you will be back? “I don’t know soon though as filming starts in like 6 weeks for American Assassin” “raven will you be coming with him?” caught off guard she just said “yeah I guess” “oh good we can have a family meal and get to know you” “sounds like a plan mum” Dylan said and then he looked at Raven and noticed her eyes were starting to close so quickly said “ok mum sorry it’s early here and we need to go as need more sleep so bye and love you” “yes bye Mrs O’Brien speak to you again soon” and she said “ok speak soon bye” and with that the line disconnected.  “ok I know I owe them both an apology” he said pulling her in but Raven had fallen asleep already and he snuggled down and went to sleep again.

They both woke up at 10am together and she kissed him lightly “good morning sweetheart” “oh I could get used to this waking up with you and getting a kiss in the morning” “why can’t you” “well it’s going to be a long distance relationship isn’t it?” “Ok but I will be there as much as I can when I can you know that but I have my work here and ……” he cut her off with a kiss and said “we will make this work I will be in London for a while anyway filming and we can be together every weekend” “sounds like a plan” she replied and kissed him back.  He pulled away, smiled and said “we have to get up and do the tweet if your trying to distract me it’s not working” she groaned and slumped down “ok” was the response and he took out his phone “so here we go” he said “I decided this would work what do you think?” and he showed her the tweet which said

Dylan O’Brien
Hi to all my fans I have news I can confirm that I am now in a relationship with a beautiful woman called Raven who I love very much and here is a picture of us together hope u can be happy for us love u all xxx

And underneath are two photos of us one from up on the Abbey which we both picked and the selfie from last night.  She just sat looking at it then got up and went to the bathroom and when she came back out he just smiled and said “I haven’t sent it” “what? Why?” “ you need to give people the heads up it’s only fair” “ok thanks for that” and she took this opportunity and ran with it sending messages to Rachel, Jessica, Jen, Grit, Nat and all the others she needed to inform then she grabbed his phone and pressed tweet and with that the tweet went and he just looked at me “now turn off everything and we will go out shopping then come back and see what the fallout is plan” Raven said and Dylan smiled and replied “plan” and we got ready and left.

They walked around Whitby hand in hand with fingers intertwined and every now and again he would pull her in and kiss her. Raven saw a lovely top very Gothic with lace across the top and a corset for the underneath but she didn’t get it but Dylan had clocked her looking at it and the chocker as well she liked and as they walked around he clocked a real diamond necklace and bracelet that would totally compliment her dress so he planned to go back and get her them all later but first they had to go back to the hotel and face the music which they did.

Back at the hotel they sat downstairs and had a drink, Dylan ordered a Jack and coke while Raven ordered a vodka and Coke and they sat in a booth at the window and out came the phones “ok I have loads of dms, GC and wattsapp messages I am scared to look at them” Raven said “oh it’s like a plaster you just have to do it like pulling a plaster off” Dylan replied and so she opened up her wattsapp messages from Jen, Grit and the GC where to start.  Ok Jen

Omg u guys went public fuck the shit will hit the fan but I am here for u u lucky bitch and I have your back xxx
Thanks hon yeah I know it’s a bit scary x

Next Grit

Wow you went public you look lovely as a couple and I have your back xxx
Thanks hon appreciate it has the shit hit the fan? Xx
Oh hell yeah fandom has gone off don’t worry your friends have your back xxxx
Ok I am going on Twitter soon but not yet lol bracing myself  for that lol love ya xxx

“Oh shit Dylan fandom has gone off apparently and my friends have my back now I am shitting myself Dyl” he just lent over the table taking her free hand and saying “just look and then it’s done and we can order food and enjoy the rest of our day” 'ok” Raven said and she opened Twitter and fuck it had gone off.  My dms went like this:

Well bitch I hated u before now I hate you more how could u bitch only joking so happy for u just jealous love ya 😘😘😘😘

Bitch u lucky girl I want detail’s.   Love ya 💙💙💙💙

Wow u did well girl n u kept that a secret.  Details please Xxx

Omg ur my hero I am shocked but happy for you Xxx

Can’t believe it hon can I have his autograph and I want details xxx

My dms went on like that and then I went on my tl and fuck there it was @tomboy10 having her say

@dylan101 well here we go I knew u were a liar and now here is my proof no way is he dating u bitch someone has hacked his account or photoshopped this as ur the ugliest bitch I know and  he wouldn’t touch u with someone else’s
Then I read the replies (first from Jen)
@tomboy10 why don’t u shut the fuck up bitch she’s not lying and they are together now get over it

@witch1966 shut up bitch ur friends a stalker and a whore
@tomboy10 a whore well U don’t know her at all and just back the fuck off bitch u don’t know her or him so just leave her alone ok and stalker really u must be on crack with that statement
@witch1966 freedom of speech right I wonder what @smcfee thinks of his sweet little whore dating a movie star
@tomboy10 nothing to do with him they weren’t together
@witch1966 really not the impression I got when he had a go I blocked him they are defo shagging like I said a whore
@tomboy10 not a whore and bye haven’t got time for you or this anymore people who know her know ur lying so bye
Then I read Grits replies
@tomboy10 shut up…… u know nothing leave my girl alone bitch oh and bye they are together and I am happy for my friend

@mitchrapp1010 no I will not I believe what I have tweeted ur girl is a whore and a liar.  Dylan has better taste than to go out with ur anorexic ugly cow bitch friend

@tomboy10 shut ur mouth u fucking bitch oh and like Jen I am saying bye see u around bitch whore

By this point Raven had seen enough and put down her phone “I have seen enough” and with that he squeezed her hand and just smiled and said “it will calm down I haven’t looked yet but my wattsapp has been going mad so I think I need to go up to the room to make some calls are you coming?” “yeah” and with that they headed up to the room her phone was flashing but she didn’t want to look.

Once in the room Dylan took out his phone and made his calls first to Julia “hi Julz forgot to give you the heads up sorry” “the heads up are you kidding me Twitter has gone into overdrive and it’s a shit storm” “I know Raven won’t look at her phone and I am scared too.  Did I do the wrong thing?” at that statement Raven looked up tears in her eyes but she didn’t let them fall she had been through too much to do that and he realized what he had said “julz I am going to have to call you back ok” and he put down the phone.  “No Raven your not the mistake this isn’t a mistake I meant doing what we did the tweet and everything” and he sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her and she let the tears start to flow “they hate me they are calling me a whore and ugly.  There are too many bad memories with all this happening it’s taking me back to school I can’t go back to that Dylan I can’t” “it will be fine I promise I won’t let them hurt you” he said looking at her “you know that right you do know that?” she just nodded but the tears were still flowing and she couldn’t stop them.  He just held her and after her sobs had subsided he got up and knelt in front of her “I am going to ring Julia back and check my phone ok and your going to lie down and relax and that’s an order” she just nodded and lay on the bed within 2 seconds she was asleep and he made his calls.

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