Chapter 15 - Final night at the hotel

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Dylans POV

I got in the car and as I did I saw Raven head upstairs through the door I knew she was gutted as her parents had said I could stay but it didn’t feel right so I had declined after all I had only just met them and I didn’t want to give the wrong impression.  I had the hotel address in the phone so I punched it into the Sat nav and set off.  I wanted to go back along the coast though and I pretty much knew the way from her house it was just round the corner.  The Sat nav kept telling him to turn round but it eventually got the idea and took me the way I wanted.  It was dark now but the route was just as gorgeous as it had been on the way but still I wished I was with her and just as I started to think of her my phone rang.  It clicked in on the Bluetooth and it was Tyler H so I answered it “hello” “hi dylan just a quick one I am still at yours is that ok?” “yeah it’s fine” “so how did it all go today then the meeting the parents etc?” “great actually they are lovely and I am on my way to the hotel for tonight and picking her up tomorrow and we are going away for a few days just her and me” as I said the words I smiled and shook my head I just realized no actual arrangements had been made for tomorrow but my thought were interrupted by Tyler saying “oh a dirty weekend “ and then he laughed and so did I as I said “no more a get to know each other “ “like I said a dirty weekend your idea I assume” ”actually no she arranged it” “wow ok she’s a girl after my own heart don’t wait around just go for it.  I like it I think I am going to like your new girl when I eventually get to meet her” “yeah I think you will possey though I am not too sure I have kept him in the dark” “its fine he will be fine with it as long as his bestie is happy” “thanks man” “ok anyway I am using your place at the mo just for time out so let me know when you need it back ok” “yea anyway got to go now so bye” “bye” and with that Tyler went.

He was just passing the fairground that he hadn’t noticed on the way along when his phone went off again this time it was Raven “hi baby you ok” she laughed and said “yeah it’s been like 15 minutes since you left I am fine I am just lying in my bed by myself watching Interview with a vampire and it hit me we made no arrangements for tomorrow so I thought ring him” “yeah weird I just realized that as well while I was talking to Tyler H” “ok that’s spooky but anyway back to tomorrow why don’t you pick me up at 11am” “yeah sounds good” “ok I need to go shopping on the way is that ok?” “yeah not a problem can I ask what for?” “yeah no biggie I need new PJs and a couple of other things as well” “oh ok yeah well you know where to go I am in your hands” “just how I like it.  Oh and just think shower” and with that the phone went dead and my imagination went into overdrive I could remember her message and oh my God I had to stop thinking. 

I got back to the hotel and went straight to my room as I past Julia’s room I heard laughing oh well at least one of us is getting some I guess, this made me smile and I headed to my room.  I got in my room and closed the curtains at my window s even before I turned the light and then got ready for bed I wore a t shirt and bottoms and climbed into bed.  I was flickering through the channels on the TV when bleep my phone went off.


Hi I am sorry I was just wondering if you were back yet and to say sorry for being cruel on the phone before I was just gutted you left but in a way happy as well my mam likes u btw so night n see u tomorrow x


It was cruel but I guess I deserved it.  I just realized I didn’t kiss u goodbye either what a horrible bf I am x


No u didn’t lol and yes u r lol


I will make it up to u tomorrow I promise ok x


I will hold u to that mind lol so what u doing no need to be pg anymore x

Ok well I am in bed watching reruns of friends nothing special x

So what do u sleep in? X

Dylan knew now where she was going with this so decided to play along but left it for a while to let her squirm.  Bleep it worked.


Come on I think it’s the least u can do after leaving me lol and I need to know for tomorrow as don’t want a shock big boy if u sleep nude x


Ok seriously I know nothing about this get a way so are we in the same room answer that and I will answer u x


Yes same room but I bottled same bed we have twins just in case u know it doesn’t go to plan lol x


Ok I guess I see the logic in that.  I sleep in the nude x


What really? X


Yeah is that a problem? X


Em no not at all at least I know so I can b prepared lol so are u naked now? X


????? X


Ok then so how’s the erection after the thought of me wanking you off in the shower? X


Hard x


Oh well u will have to manage it by yourself tonight sweetie you went back to  the hotel have fun if I remember rightly the porn channel is 331 from when I stayed there after one of the lunches u know a girl has needs x


Ok u watch porn? X




Cool btw I was winding u up I wear a t shirt and bottoms for bed come on then wat do u wear ? X


PJs normally but I want nice ones for this break x


Sounds interesting 😋


Not really lol x


So silk or satin? X


Head out the gutter boy I was thinking just normal cotton but now I know where ur mind is going probably a silk nightie now lol no just normal PJs sorry x


Ur cruel I have visions now of u in a silkie little number red to b exact x


Well play ur cards right u might just get it but no promises anyway 11am tomorrow x


Yes and have a think on the red number I will night love ya x


Ok I will think about it night love ya too x

I just lay there thinking of her in the red silkie nightie and that was it no porn needed and it was over in record time fuck I had to learn to control this or she will be very disappointed when I am like a fucking virgin again and coming before she’s even done anything believe me I was so close to it this afternoon in the hospital room and all she did was kiss my chest ok and a little further down but nothing too much it was just her she made me like this.  Once I was done I settled down again and within minutes i was asleep.

I was awoken at 7 am the next morning by my phone going off the alarm that is Christ I had slept for like 9 hours but it was fine.  I wanted to take my time make sure I had everything I needed for five days.  I got up had an hour long shower as I was still thinking about her messages about the shower and had decided to get it out my system before seeing her again and then got ready and packed.  I took my black suit and grey suit with me as I didn’t know if there would be a dress couple of nights (bad idea the instant I thought of that I thought of her in her dress ok down boy) I also packed my jeans a couple of casual but nice tops and a pair of cords and t shirts for during the day obviously I took the essentials underwear, wash stuff, toothbrush ECT and condoms you can’t be too careful.  Shit maybe I shouldn’t take the condoms no I am definitely taking them and in the wash bag they went.

It got to 9 am and I was ready I would leave in an hour as I wanted to go the coastal way again.  I loved it somehow it calmed me down and kept me calm just as I was making myself comfy on the bed there was a knock on the door I walked over and looked through the peep hole it was Julia.  I opened the door “well hello to you good night?” my sister could never Keep her emotions hidden and she was smiling like a Cheshire cat ( I know I heard it on the TV last night that saying it was episodes in London I had been watching of friends I liked English sayings they were funny) “yeah really good I really like Victoria or Vicky she stayed over I have left her to sleep as we are spending the day together” “cool well I am leaving in less than an hour now to pick Raven up then we are going shopping and heading off.  Your going to be ok here by yourself aren’t you?” “oh yes she’s going to take good care of me” “ok enough already I can tell by your smile that you must have had a fantastic time last night well at least one of us got action I was a good boy and came back” “yeah but that’s you always the gentleman. So your prepared then?” “yes the condoms are in my wash bag safety first I know” “thats my boy I taught you well” and with that she kissed me on the cheek and left the room.

I sat for another 40 minutes before I decided it was time to go I was nervous but I didn’t know why it wasn’t like I didn’t know her and I knew I wanted to do this so off I went.  Lift down to the foyer and then out to the car park, there was a small group waiting outside I just smiled and waved and walked to the car putting my bags in the back and getting in the driver side as I drive passed the group I slowed down and waved again it was the least I could do.  I drove back to hers along the coast and was outside for 10.45 am.  I got out the car and walked to the front door again all nervous but I managed to pull myself together enough to ring the doorbell.  George answered the door and before I knew what was happening I was in the lounge with a cup of coffee waiting for Raven.

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