Chapter 23 - First night in South Shields

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Ravens POV

The night went well my parents came home we had a Chinese banquet and then my parents went out and the dogs came in.  Hoechlin instantly sat in front of me as if in the huff and stared at Dylan the entire time, while Malia curled up in front of Dylan lying on his feet I just smiled “she seems to like you” I said smiling as he bent down to scratch behind her ears but then he heard Hoechlin growl and I just smiled and shook my head “I would wait and let him get to know you first” “was your ex such a bastard to them” “yeah my dogs witnessed a lot and especially Hoechlin he will calm down I promise” “its fine don’t worry" and he took my hand.
A couple of hours later Hoechlin had calmed down and was now lying next to me on the sofa and I had my feet tucked under him and my head on Dylan’s shoulders we had decided on a movie on Netflix that neither of us had heard of and too be honest it was boring do I decided to change it to one my favorite movies The Breakfast Club.  As I moved Malia took her chance and jumped up on Dylan’s knee she swamped him and both looked uncomfortable.  I just laughed and got up “where are u going?” “to get a drink you want anything?” “yeah a beer would be good” “ok hon not a problem, oh and if u want move along Malia is smaller than Hoechlin and she will move to lie in between you and the arm I promise”
I was in the kitchen getting a glass of wine when I felt arms wrap around my waist “I decided to come and help you” I giggled “you turn me into a giggling school girl” “you turn me into a horny teenage boy” I just laughed and continued to pour my wine 'the beers in the little fridge if you want to get it' “ok” and with that his hands disappeared and he went and got his beer but he was back in a couple of seconds “ok I need to ask you something and you don’t need to answer but what exactly did Carl do to you and the dogs?” I just turned and kissed him on the cheek “come back in and sit down and we will have that conversation ok” he just nodded and we did just that.
As I walked in the room I was met by the two dogs lying across the sofa stretched out I was just about to shout for them to move wen Dylan said “dont they look so sweet” “yeah they do but where are we going to sit?” as soon as the words left my lips I knew I was in trouble and I was right but in a good way.  Dylan grabbed me and pulled me over to the chair he sat down first and pulled me down on his knee “this is cosy now isn’t it?” was all he said and I laughed and said “yes” “so back to what we were talking about in the kitchen” “ok really” the look he gave me said it all and I exhaled and my shoulders slumped “ok here we go well I moved in with him a few months oh wait it was 18 months after meeting him and it was fine but then he started with the mind games at first telling me lies about my friends, keeping me away from them and then it started with my family I can see it now but then I couldn’t.  Soon I was alone I wasn’t going out unless it was me and him and even then it wasn’t fun so I stopped going out and then he bought me the dogs after the first incident of him being mentally abusive towards me but I still couldn’t see it.  I was stupid and blind to his cruelty because of his charm and everything settled down for a while the dogs were fine a couple of little mishaps but nothing really bad but then came the first time he hit me and Malia went for him and he kicked her that was when Hoechlin attacked him and he stabbed my dog I was screaming and the neighbours kicked the front door in and came upstairs to find my dog bleeding the other one cowering in the corner and me on the floor being kicked by the so called man who was supposed to love me let’s just say I didn’t stay around for round two my neighbour carried me out while his friends carried out my injured dogs end of story”
Dylan just sat staring at me and I hated the look in his eyes, it was of pity, and I looked away and said “luckily they weren’t badly hurt but my hero over there doesn’t like strangers that much especially men but it doesn’t seem to have scarred my princess to badly” “and what about you?” “oh I am thick skinned I got over it came home brought the dogs much to my man’s annoyance at first but she got used to it and vowed never to let a man do that to me again” I still wasn’t looking at him I was looking at my babies relaxed and sleeping I couldn’t look at him if his eyes were full of pity.  Dylan touched my arm and said “look at me” “I can’t” “why?” “I cant stand seeing the pity in your eyes for me it kills me” “no pity I promise I am angry but I certainly don’t blame you or pity you” I slowly turned and looked at him and all I saw was my Dylan the pity had gone and had been replaced with love and affection “I love you and will never do anything to hurt you but I need to know if you eventually move to be with me will the dogs be coming and will they be ok with my babies?” I couldn’t help it I burst out laughing and nodded “yes they are fine with other dogs” “good then we have nothing to worry about” and with that he kissed me and I lay on his chest with my head in his shoulders and whispered “I love you” and I felt his smile even though I couldn’t see it “I love you more” was all he replied and we continued to watch the movie and drink.
Before we knew it the movie was over and I heard my mam and stepdad coming back “hi kids were home so put you clothes back on” my mam thinking she was being funny “hi mam we’re still in the lounge fully clothed” with that my mam walked in “oh this is cosy” then she saw the dogs on the sofa “ok Hoech and Malia come on move now I want to sit down” and with that they both jumped off, stretched and sat at either side of the chair and my mam sat down “so what’s on anything worth watching” “I don’t know we were going to head upstairs” I said “oh ok not a problem night then” “night” I said getting up and Dylan followed me.  As soon as we got up the dogs were up “no down kids” was all my mam said and they both lay back down “thanks mam” “its fine they will stay in here tonight it’s too cold out there for them” as we left the room I bent down and kissed my mam on the cheek “thank you so much” I whispered and she said “its fine now sweet dreams” and with that we left and went upstairs “so I will be in the spare room then?” he questioned “hell no your sleeping in here with me” and we both laughed and went in my room.
I got changed into my nice silk PJs and he stripped down to his underwear and then went to grab his sweats and a t shirt but I grabbed his hand to stop him “you will be too hot in them the heating is still on and this is a hot house” “it has nothing to do with the fact that you like to look at me” I just giggled and felt my face go red “you can wear it all if u want but I can guarantee you will strip off” “oh really is that a promise” “get your head out of the gutter my parents are literally in that room there” I said pointing at the wall “oh shit yes I forgot” and with that he put on his sweats and t shirt “ok well don’t say I didn’t warn u” and with that we got into bed and I put the TV on we decided to watch some designated survivor he lifted his arm and I cuddled into his side and he put his arm over my shoulder and I felt safe in that moment and I hadn’t felt that for a long time and I enjoyed it.
We watched 3 episodes and then heard my mam and stepdad go to bed but we weren’t tired so I turned down the volume and we continued to watch it cuddled in and safe, he started to squirm after a while I knew why, he was too hot “you ok?” I asked he just laughed “ok you win I am too hot sit up for a second I need to take these off” I moved and he got out of bed and off came the t shirt and sweats and he was back in the bed next to me hugging me again and I couldn’t help it I ran my hand over his chest and snuggled in “ the remote is on the bedside table night sexy” and with that I lent up and kissed him and then went back to my initial place and went to sleep.

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