Chapter Eleven - Other relationships and a holiday

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NB  No photo for this chapter sorry and another short one so might do another chapter as well

Dylans POV

I was escorted to the nurses exit and Victoria said “follow the stairs down to floor 3 ok then get in the lift to the ground floor, exit the building there and walk the rest of the way ok they didn’t see you leave the room so they think your Still in there ok” “yeah I got it thank you” “its fine I owe Raven oh and by the way” she said turning to Julia “if your looking for any company or someone to show you around ring me” and with that she shoved a piece of paper into Julia’s hands and Julia took it smiled and nodded and then we were off.

As we descended down the stairs I turned to Julia and said “you still got it big sis” and she replied “of course” and we both laughed but kept going.  It took us like 30 minutes to get to the car but we saw no press which was good.  Once in the car Julia was driving again I asked her “so will you ring her then?” “yeah I think I will I was talking to her a lot yesterday just didn’t have the chance to tell you with everything” “no that’s fine no problems” “I might see if she fancies a night out tomorrow she already told me she’s off” “cool because when I pick up Raven tomorrow we are going away for a night her idea not mine” “sounds like a woman after my own heart” and then she laughed.  Bleep.

Did u find your way? Victoria told me she told you the way x

Yeah we are in the car btw it’s just me n u tomorrow Julia has other plans

Really I like her style.  Victoria by any chance? X

Yeah how did u guess? X

I had a hunch the way they looked at each other lol x

Yeah she’s going to ring her wen we get to the hotel x

Ok well I will let you know tomorrow what time to pick me up and we are going to Whitby x

Ok I have no idea lol x

Its where Bram stoker got his inspiration for Drakula but it’s lovely really oldie worldie but beautiful in a Gothic way oh and bring a suit and I will be bringing that dress x

Really that dress? X

Yes that dress the restaurant I booked is very nice lol  we will probably stay a couple of nights but I booked 5 nights lol x

Fuck really x

Yes we need time together to get to know each other remember no pressure just two people on holiday lol

No your right sorry it sounds great x

I have decided I am telling Grit and Jen I can trust them and obviously Karen x

Ok that’s fine but when? X

Now so bye see u tomorrow x

Bye love ya 😘💙

Bye love ya too 😘💙

And with that she was gone and I turned up the radio and sat smiling.  When we got to the hotel I had a long bath and then packed for 5 days and sat and watched a movie waiting for her to message me as I knew she would once she had spoken to her friends and family here and messaged the other ones.

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