Karma (Hubert x Reader)

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this is a x reader! send me a request through a dm for x reader one-shots or one-shots between two specific characters. enjoy!


"Hey there (Y/N), do you have any plans for today?" A certain redhead asked me, with a mischievous grin, as he approached me from afar.

"Hello Sylvain, and to answer your question, nope! None whatsoever." I responded back, with a cheeky smile, to the certain member of the Blue Lions.

"Why don't you join me for the day then? I have just thought up the world's most entertaining game to play." Sylvain said, in a troublesome tone, and impatiently awaited my response.

"And what might that game be Sylvain?" I asked, causing the noble before me to smirk in satisfaction at my question.

"The game is called "Let's Bully Hubert," invented and copyrighted by yours truly of course! You up for it?" Sylvain asked with a childish giggle, causing me to put my head down in shame at the silly aristocrat before me.

"Sure Sylvain, why not? Hubert must be doing something really boring, like reading, right now anyway. Might as well go, and ruin his "fun," for the sake of curing my boredom." I said sarcastically, with a huff, and stood up straight to face the ginger before me.

"That's the spirit, (Y/N)!" Sylvain dangerously grinned, and dragged me away from the scene by my arm. Apparently, he already knew where Hubert was.

After a few minutes of Sylvain's dumb comments, about Hubert looking like a grumpy vampire, and my playful slaps on his arm back. We eventually arrived in front of Hubert's dorm room.

Sylvain glanced at me expectantly, causing me to give him a questioning look back. He shot a small scowl at me and eventually knocked on the door himself. I stifled in a giggle, once I noticed Sylvain jump away in surprise at the door being immediately opened after his knock.

There stood Hubert before us, with a very confused look on his face. Sylvain suddenly roughly nudged me and I aimed a glare at him.

"Sylvain and (Y/N)? Do you two need something?" Hubert asked monotonously, looking more at me than at Sylvain. I could feel myself begin to sweat from nervousness.

"O-oh yes, Sylvain and I would like to invite you out with us for a bit. If you don't m-mind, that is." I stuttered out, shyly looking away from the raven-haired man before me.

"Is that so? Well I'd certainly love to then, do you mean now though?" Hubert asked me, with a gentle smile adorning his lips.

"Right now." Sylvain interjected, a malicious smirk adorning his features.

"Alright then, I shall come now." Hubert said, surprisingly indifferent to what was happening, and promptly stepped out of his room. He quickly closed the door behind him, and gave us an expectant look afterwards.

"This way Hubert, I actually have a little mission for you. You'll love it though, don't worry!" Sylvain said, as he walked forward, and glanced at the dark-themed noble behind him with a fabricated grin.

"Sylvain, I don't have time for your childish games. If this isn't something that I deem worthy enough of my full attention, I'll be taking my leave." Hubert said in an irritated tone, and massaged his temples with his fingers as he followed behind.

I glanced at Sylvain in panic, but the redhead merely smiled innocently at me and continued walking.

Sylvain abruptly stopped in front of the monastery's storage room though, and turned around to face Hubert with a forced smile hanging on his lips.

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