Smile For Me (Claude x Reader)

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this is a requested x reader! send me a request through a dm for x reader one-shots or one-shots between two specific characters. enjoy!


"Yes! Finally, I'm done!" I said as I looked at my tray of fresh and newly baked blueberry muffins with a proud a smile.

"Oh, that smells heavenly dear. Thank you for going through all of that effort. It wasn't a must, yet you still did it. I truly appreciate it (Y/N)." Ms. Manuela said as she walked into the monastery's kitchen, most likely lured in by the smell of the muffins that I had baked for her.

"This is nothing compared to all that you've done for me, I even wish that I could do more. These will have to suffice for now, I suppose." I said regretfully and looked at Ms. Manuela with shame.

"Nonsense child, I'll be more than happily to accept these and nothing more." Ms. Manuela said with a smile as she watched me begin to pack her muffins for her in a box.

Once I was done, I handed the box to her and waved her goodbye once it was time for her to leave.

I let out a deep sigh and sat down on a nearby chair to rest.

"You don't look too great (Y/N)." A voice with a nonchalant tone said and walked into the kitchen.

"What are you on about Claude? I'm fine." I said and shot a small glare at the brunette.

"Those drops of sweat on your forehead and those dark bags under your eyes say otherwise. You're starting to look like Marianne now." Claude laughed a bit too loud and began to investigate the kitchen counters for any stray muffin crumbs.

"Very funny, now excuse me Claude. I have to go and fix a tear in one of Leonie's shirts since the girl can't actually do any handwork other than swinging an iron lance around." I said and got up from the chair I had been sitting on. I began to walk out of the room, when suddenly my legs gave up on me and I dropped to the floor.

"Wow there, I told you that you didn't look too great. Here, grab onto my arm and I'll take you to your dorm room." Claude jogged over to me and stretched his arm out for me to grab onto.

"Thank you." I said, a bit embarrassed, and grabbed ahold of Claude's arm firmly.

He led me like a gentleman to my dorm room and helped me to properly lie down on my bed.

"So, what have you been up to these days exactly?" Claude asked me with mixed amusement and worry in his tone.

"I've been running errands for everyone. Ms. Manuela, Leonie, Petra, Raphael, everyone actually." I answered and closed my tired eyes.

"To the point of exhausting yourself and causing yourself to collapse? Not smart (Y/N), not smart." Claude reprimanded as I could hear him walk aimlessly around my room. I opened one of my eyes to get a peek at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, a bit confused at his actions.

"I'm searching for the kitchenette in here. You really need to drink some water." Claude responded swiftly and continue to look around for the kitchenette in my room.

"It's to your left Claude." I said and pointed to the left with my arm.

"Oh thanks!" Claude ran into the kitchenette, once he spotted it, and got a glass of water for me to drink. I jugged it all in one go causing a chuckle to erupt from the man beside me.

"Um, thank you Claude. I feel much better now, perhaps I have been overwhelming myself with my studies and errands after all, but it's incredible hard for me to just say "no" to anyone in need of help." I said and stared at the empty glass in my hands.

"That's very noble of you, but I think your own well-being is more important than anyone else's. So, try to be more careful alright? I can't always be around to save a certain someone from their distress." Claude said with a wink and smiled at me.

"Fine, I'll try my best." I said and let out a deep sigh that eventually turned into a slight chuckle.

"Attention everyone! Mr. Byleth is calling for everyone to assemble in the courtyard. We'll be heading into battle momentarily. Those who are able to fight, get ready and head to the courtyard!" I could hear Petra yell and announce in the corridor.

Battle huh?

I began to get up from my bed, when Claude gave me a disappointed look.

"Oh no, I know what you're thinking and it's definitely not happening.  You are staying here, there's no way I'm letting you go and fight in that state." Claude said and pushed me back down to my bed by my shoulders.

"Claude let me do this, like I said, I feel much better now. You can't stop me. So please, I don't want to fight with you right now." I said stubbornly and got up from my bed without glancing in Claude's direction.

"Fine, fine. But if anything happens to you, I'm not responsible...everyone who asked you to do an errand for them is." Claude said, slightly upset, and walked out of my dorm room.

I grabbed my most trusted weapon and walked out as well. Claude and I walked together to the courtyard and saw everyone from Golden Deer already waiting for us there.

In unison, we headed towards whatever fate awaited all of us.


"(Y/N) don't leave my side, stay here at all times. Do you understand?" Claude asked me while dodging a hit from an enemy soldier.

"I'm not a child Claude, but fine. I won't go anywhere. I wasn't planning to anyway." I responded and winced as I swung my weapon down on the enemy before me. Gosh, I really am worn out. This will immensely slow me down.

"(Y/N), look out!" Claude yelled and lunged at an enemy behind me, whom I hadn't noticed, causing him to drop his bow in the process.

He was now completely vulnerable.

Suddenly, I felt the unworldly instinct to jump right in front of Claude and so I did. A poisoned arrow sharply pierced my abdomen and I dropped onto the ground like a log of wood.

"No!" I could hear Claude yell.

Afterwards, I heard something being shot and the scream of a man. Someone ran over to me in a great hurry and lifted me up in their arms.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Stay with me! Marianne is on her way to heal you right now." Claude yelled in an urgent and hurt voice as he held me in his arms.

"Claude, thank you for brightening up my days and for teaching me to care for myself more. I loved doing errands and helping out others, but I loved seeing your smile more than anything else. That's why, I want you to smile for me before I go." I said weakly and raised my pale hand to caress the brown-haired man's soft cheek.

"You're not going anywhere (Y/N), you hear me? Marianne, where are you?!" Claude screamed and kept scanning the area with desperateness for a blue-haired maiden. He glanced at me with concern every now and then.

"Please Claude, just smile for me. That's all I ask." My voice cracked as my hand meekly trailed down from his cheek to where one of his arms held me.

"(Y/N), I..." Claude smiled for me as best as he could in a situation such as this one. Although a bit silly looking, it put me at ease.

"Thank you, I love you Claude and I always will. May we meet in a life with a better ending." I said with my last breath and gave Claude my final smile.

"Wait, (Y/N)! No! I won't accept this! You can't leave me like this! I had a plan for us, so many days for us to spend together. So many smiles and laughs to share with you. You can't do this to me, it's unfair. I love you too (Y/N), always had and always will."

Claude embraced the body of the lamented (Y/N) with everything that he had. That very day he swore to seek revenge for his beloved and to eliminate anyone who hurt anyone dear to him.

The once airy and happy-go-lucky man that everyone knew was no more.


1,439 words

(Requests Closed) Fire Emblem Three Houses One Shots! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang