The Love Spell (Linhardt x Reader)

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this is a x reader! send me a request through a dm for x reader one-shots or one-shots between two specific characters. enjoy!


"Linhardt! Focus!" I screamed in frustration at the sleepy greenette in front of me.

Currently, we are practicing some dark magic together. At least I thought we were anyway. Linhardt keeps falling asleep though, making this important revision session of mine into his napping session.

"Just five minutes (Y/N)." Linhardt groaned with a yawn and placed his head comfortably on his desk.

"Linhardt please, listen to me. We need to master these spells for tomorrow, or we're really gonna struggle. I am not planning on losing to Lysithea again on tomorrow's magic exam." I sat down with a deep sigh and placed my head miserably in my palms.

"Take a nap with me (Y/N), you need to destress." Linhardt said lazily, without looking at me, and imitated some snoring sounds.

"Ugh, you're unbelievable!" I shouted and grabbed a Flux tome. I thrusted the tome open in exasperation and waved my arm in Linhardt's direction.

A dark orb, summoned by me, hit the wall behind Linhardt and startled the sleepyhead awake in panic.

"(Y/N)! Was that absolutely necessary?" The verdant-haired boy asked me, in disappointment, with a glare.

"Yes, because you're not actually helping me like you promised you would." I said in a dull tone and shut the tome in my hand.

"Fine, let's get this over with so that I can go back to sleep." Linhardt said in irritation and rubbed his eyes with one hand, while searching for another tome with the other.

"Whatever floats your boat, Linhardt." I said and handed the boy in front of me a Mire tome. He skimmed through its pages with his sleepy eyes, and nodded to himself after a while.

"(Y/N), aren't you from a family of necromancers? Why are you asking someone like me for help?" Linhardt questioned with curiosity and stood up straight to look at me with interest.

I hesitated, but eventually answered.

"Well, I was a really sick child growing up. I still am actually. But because of my constant illnesses, I could never attend my much needed classes for the dark arts. All the other kids in my village, who were also children of necromancers, were able to attend them and so they eventually leveled up before me. I fell behind in the end and was left to fend for myself. And so, that's what I'm doing. If you're so against helping me though, I'll just have to teach myself then I suppose." I said quietly and looked down dryly at the black Flux tome in my hand. I had done it once, so I believed that I could do it again.

"No, that's not what I meant. I'll try to stay awake from now on, sorry (Y/N). What you're doing right now is the right thing. What I did was rude, forgive me." Linhardt said with slight shame and gave me an apologetic look. I let out a heavy breath and closed my eyes briefly.

"It's alright, let's just continue now shall we? So, about the Mire spell..." I said, trying to quickly change the subject.

"Yes, Mire. You summon it like so." Linhardt stood up and opened the dark tome. He took a quick analyzing glance at the practice dummy before him, and waved his arm afterwards.

Green blobs erupted out of thin air and swiftly damaged the dummy beyond recognition of what it was anymore. Linhardt shot me a proud smile and I clapped.

"That was really cool actually, let me try this time!" I said loudly and ran up to where Linhardt stood in excitement. Linhardt nodded and happily handed me the tome. Our fingers brushed against each other as I grabbed it, causing both of us to blush slightly.

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