Home (Claude x Reader)

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this is a x reader! send me a request through a dm for x reader one-shots or one-shots between two specific characters. enjoy!


"Nina? Are you sure about this?" I asked, staring at the large castle before me while biting my lip from nervousness.

"Positive (Y/N)! Although we're stealing from the king of Almyra, this should be a peace of cake for you and I." My literal partner in crime Nina said, with a wide grin on her face, and roughly patted my back.

"Alright then." I said with a worried sigh, and began to follow my white-haired friend inside through the back door of the fort before us.

Nina and I were skilled thieves with huge bounties above our heads. We met each other while we were both trying to mug the same person, at the same time. We eventually found out that we were both orphans, causing us to bond and become the close friends that we are today.

Years of robbing from the rich, and giving to other poor people like us, made us very experienced. There wasn't a single person or place that we couldn't rob, but for some reason I felt very anxious about today's mission.

We were currently entering the Almyran castle, which was owned by the one and only Claude von Riegan. He was supposedly a war veteran and a very kind-hearted, but easy-going king. His people spoke well of him and even looked up to him.

I was incredibly used to stealing from filthy rich nobles such as him, but something within me kept telling me to just turn around and not to go forth with this heist.

I couldn't betray Nina though, since what we'd steal and sell today would help the people that we had made a promise to.

I tiptoed slowly behind Nina and watched as she pulled out her dagger from her satchel, just in the case of an emergency. I did the same and pulled out my dagger as well.

Nina's dagger had a dark blue hilt with a four-sided grey star engraved on its front and back. Mine had a yellow hilt with golden crests drawn on its front side and back side.

Nina and I both had our daggers with us, when we first met one another. The blades were the only things reminding us of the past lives that we once had, but knew nothing of.

As I curiously looked around at the many swords and other weapons of the like that hung on the walls of the castle, I noticed the similar markings to mine on their hilts.

This gave me quite a shock and I glanced at Nina in alarm, she seemed too immersed in what she was doing to notice my bewilderment though.

"Alright (Y/N), there it is." Nina whispered, suddenly stopping in her tracks and pointing to a large embellished copper shield that hung inside one of the room of the palace.

The door to room was slightly open, allowing us to look inside and gawk at the artifact in amazement.

"It's beautiful." I murmured, as I stared at the many beautiful jewels and carvings that decorated the ancient shield.

"We're going to be rich!" Nina said a bit too loudly and jumped up in excitement.

I watched her with a smile on my lips and signalled her to follow me inside. She nodded and treaded quietly behind me.

Together, we entered the room without notice and quickly snatched the shield from its spot. Nina placed the shield in her satchel bag, and gave me a proud grin afterwards.

"Let's go now." She mouthed to me and I nodded. As we were preparing to leave though, we heard footsteps prancing in the corridor behind the room's door.

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