My Blessing (Rhea x Reader)

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this is a x reader! send me a request through a dm for x reader one-shots or one-shots between two specific characters. enjoy!


"Good morning my brave soldiers, I have an important mission for you all today as well." The ethereal Lady Rhea said to the many burly warriors in front of her. I watched her in awe, as I observed her green luscious hair bounce with each word that she gently spoke.

I was one of the many myrmidons in the army, and had eyes only for the beautiful archbishop of the Church of Seiros. My heart hollered for her, but I knew that love between the two of us was hopeless.

I was but a mere commoner with great dreams of being promoted, someone as holy as Lady Rhea would never even glance at me.

"Milady, my troops will take you up on your first mission!" Alois shouted and pointed to his unit, which consisted of me and a few others.

"Perfect, I would like you brave ones to go and help dispell a major fire that started in one of the surroundings towns." Lady Rhea said with a frown and faced the others and I.

"We'd be delighted to do so milady, right my comrades?" Alois asked and turned to us with a wide grin.

"Yes sir!" We all yelled. Alois gave us a proud thumbs up, and began to lead us away from the monastery after bowing to Lady Rhea.

The other soldiers followed Alois obediently, but I turned around to glance at the greenette before leaving.

Her verdant eyes met mine and I inhaled in surprise.

"You are (Y/N), yes? Is there something that you require of me?" She asked me with a forced smile and dull eyes.

"No milady, I only wish for your happiness and for you to smile wholeheartedly. Your gracious smile helps to boost your troops' morale more than your eminence thinks." I blurted out with a bow and left without waiting for Lady Rhea to respond.

I just couldn't allow myself to hear what she had to say next, fearing that I might not like her following words.

"(Y/N), halt!" She shouted and I stopped immediately. I put my head down and faced her compliantly.

"I wish you the best of luck, oh courageous one. I will await for your report on what occured with eager. Also, raise your head. I like my soldiers to stand proud and unashamed of who they are." Lady Rhea said with a gentle smile and lifted my chin up.

"Yes milady, I will not fail you." I said, looking away from her beauty, as a blush appeared on my cheeks.

Lady Rhea nodded in satisfaction and let me go. I bowed once more and darted away in a haste from the area.

I eventually caught up with Alois and the others. No one had even noticed that I had disappeared, which eased the worry in my heart.

After some distance, we arrived at the town in question. The sky above was completely a shade of dark grey, most likely caused by the smoke from the large fire nearby.

"My consociates! You know what to do!" Alois shouted. We all began to scurry and put out the fire before us.

"What's going on here? You're all from the monastery, aren't you? Serving that witch you call a supreme leader and an archbishop. How laughable!" A big tall and strong-looking man with ten men behind him shouted in a loud voice. He shot us a sharp glare, with a mocking cackle, and pulled out an axe from behind him.

All of us knew right away that he was the one who started the fire. I pulled out my sword in anger, at what the man had said about Lady Rhea, and aimed it right at his face.

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