Cat and Mouse (Linhardt x Reader)

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this is a requested x reader! send me a request through a dm for x reader one-shots or one-shots between two specific characters. enjoy!


"Finally, we're done." Ferdinand sighed and stretched his arms out.

"Now, all that's left is for Linhardt to decorate and color-in the chart." I said, rolled up the chart to keep it together, and set it aside.

"Could he really not just join us now, and finish up, so that we can hand it in today?" Ferdinand said and gave me a disappointed look.

"Unfortunately not, he told me that he was absolutely exhausted and had to get some rest. He's diligent though, don't worry so much." I replied and gave Ferdinand a small smile to reassure his doubts.

"I hope you're right." Ferdinand said and lightly scratched the back of his neck in worry.

"I'll go and check up on him now though. I'm a bit worried about him." I said and blushed slightly.

"Alright, if you need anything then you know where to find me." Ferdinand said with a smile and walked out of the room.

I decided to start looking for Linhardt in the most obvious place, his dorm room. I headed towards Caspar's room knowing that Linhardt's was right next to his.

knock knock

"Hey Linhardt? Are you okay in there?" I questioned while knocking on his door, but received no answer. Maybe he's still sleeping, I should probably leave.

"(Y/N)?" I turned around to see a familiar blue-haired boy behind me.

"Caspar!" I yelled out in surprise.

"What's wrong, are you looking for Linhardt?" He asked and cocked his head to the right in a questioning manner.

"Why yes, I am. Would you happen to know where he is?" I inquired the man in front of me with eager eyes.

"Yes, I saw him leave his room in frustration and head towards the infirmary. Don't know what was up with him, but he didn't seem well." Caspar said and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"Thank you Caspar, I'll go and check up on him immediately. Take care!" I said, with a wave, before running off in the infirmary's direction.

"No problem (Y/N)!" He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled after me.

After a bit of aimless running while trying to figure out any shortcuts to the infirmary, I arrived.

There I saw a certain lilac-haired maiden sitting on one of the beds, swinging her short legs back and forth nervously.

"Hey there, Bernadetta." I said calmly and approached the tense girl cautiously.

"O-oh (Y/N), hello. Did you need something?" Bernadetta said and gave a weak smile. Suddenly, she began coughing and jugged down the glass of water near to her.

"Careful now. Did you by any chance happen to see Linhardt at all while you've been here? I really need to talk to him." I said with sad eyes and hoped for a satisfactory answer.

"Y-yes, he lied down here on the bed next to mine for a few minutes. I have a cold, and so I haven't been able to stop coughing the whole day. Linhardt left the room with a mildly irritated look and walked away saying that he's going to the Green Thumb Garden. I don't know what I did to offend him so." Bernadetta said meekly with a wheeze and fiddled with her fingers out of anxiety.

"Thank you Bernadetta, and don't worry too much about it. You did nothing wrong. I'll go and see what's up with him. Take care, alright?" I gave the tiny girl a bright smile, and walked out of the room with her waving me a "goodbye."

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