A Second Chance (Sylvain x Reader)

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this is an original x reader! enjoy!


I strained my swollen and tired eyes open as I could hear unsteady footsteps approach me. I let out a disgustingly fake laugh, once I saw the two familiar faces in question standing before me.

"Seven miserable months...how long are you fools planning to keep me in here for?" I loudly yelled, with a mocking smirk, as I shook the steel bars in front of me that blocked me from the outside world.

"Shut it number 107, you won't be leaving this place anytime soon. Enjoy your stay here for there's truly nothing like here out there in the world. Repulsive criminals like you belong in prison." The woman, who everyone knew as the prison warden, spat as a wicked smile hung on her red lips.

I merely laughed harder back at her and kicked the bars that she stood parallel to in response.

"A criminal? Me? Sure. Of course! What do you know about me anyway? What are you even here for? To mock me as you always do? I have better things to do than to listen to your noise." I said monotonously and turned away from the woman and her guard. I couldn't stand the sight of either of them.

"Unfortunately, I have an actual reason for visiting you today number 107." The female before me said with no expression and examined my reaction to her words carefully.

"Finally, you've appeared to let me tear that pretty face of yours right off. Once I get out of this miserable thing just wait and see what I'll do to you." I muttered as I glared at the two prison personnel who were observing my behavior with distaste.

The guard beside the prison warden shifted back uncomfortably and readily placed his hand on his sword. The prison warden merely gave me another fake grin.

I clicked my tongue in disappointment.

They're no fun.

"A special someone shall be joining you today. You may do whatever to him, as you please. You could even use him to fix that anger issue of yours!" The woman before me let out a cackle and walked away, her guard trotting quickly behind her.

Someone's joining me in this cell?

"Pft, well I'll make him feel welcome for sure. Let's see who I'm dealing with." I smiled to myself as I waited for the man in question to be escorted over.

Out of boredom from waiting, I closed my eyes for a bit, but opened them once I heard some footsteps approaching my cell again.

A handsome redheaded man appeared before me with a burly prison guard beside him.

"Get in." The guard spat out with dissent and pushed the male inside my cell after opening its door.

The good-looking scarlet-haired man let out an angry grunt and winced as the prison guard slammed the cell door shut in his face, before scurrying away.

"Get used to it." I mumbled out, from the corner I was sitting in, as I scanned the man before me with my eyes.

"You must be my fellow jail inmate." The attractive male before me said, with a sweet smile, as he turned to face me.

"No dear, you are my fellow jail inmate. Let's get things straight here." I said, never letting my dull eyes leave his, and stood up to be at the man's level to threaten him.

"Oh my, forgive me. Of course I am, and what did a beautiful lady like yourself do to end up in this hovel?" The male before me said, with sarcasm and a wink, as he took a seat in the spot that I had just been earlier sitting in.

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