Catastrophe (Claude x Reader)

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this is a x reader! send me a request through a dm for x reader one-shots or one-shots between two specific characters. enjoy!


"Good morning Claude." I said, with a disappointed scowl, to the brown-haired noble as he sleepily stumbled down the middle stairs of the Almyran palace.

"Good morning (Y/N). What time is it?" He rubbed his half-open eyes and gave a lazy grin, with a yawn.

"It's already half past noon! Honestly, you'd think that being the leader of the whole nation of Almyra would slap some sense into you. But, it seems as though I was in the very wrong to even think so." I crossed my arms across my chest, and gave the childhood friend of mine a tight look.

"Geez (Y/N), you're always so uptight. You know, you don't have to be that way anymore. It's what kept The Golden Deer alive before, but the war is over now. That's a good enough reason to sleep in late from now on in my opinion!" Claude said with a toothy grin and placed his arm on my shoulder. I let out a deep sigh and began to walk away from him.

"Claude, you need to start being more responsible. I feel like I'm the ruler of this place and not you. I'm afraid for the future of this country, with you as its monarch." I said, in a slightly worried tone, and shook my head at the brunette behind me.

"Oh (Y/N), don't say that! Plus, I sleep in late because I know that you'll be there to tell me off once I do." Claude ran up to me with a childish smile and let out a chuckle.

"Ugh, just get yourself together. Hilda is coming over for a visit today." I said, exhausted from the von Riegan's immature actions, and began to head towards the foyer of the Almyran Castle.

"Hilda?! Oh my goodness, why didn't you say so earlier? I need to fix my hair. I won't hear the end of it if she sees this bed head!" Claude shouted in alarm and ran back up the stairs to his chamber. The scene made me let out a laugh.

I, on the other hand, left to go and meet the certain pink-haired lady in question. Once at the foyer, I spotted her with a young child beside her and holding her hand.

"Hilda?" I said with a smile, and approached the eldest daughter of House Goneril.

"Oh, (Y/N)! It's great to see you again. How have you been? You're working with Claude now, aren't you?" Hilda said with a wide grin and gave me a warm hug.

"It's great to see you too, Hilda. Things have been hectic, but quite pleasant, around here. And yes, I work as deputy around here when his majesty can't pull through on his duties." I said monotonously and smirked, once I heard the sound of rapid and approaching footsteps behind me.

"Hilda! Hi, uh, it's great to see you!" Claude sprinted over, with excessive beads of sweat on his forehead, and shot the Goneril a nervous smile.

"Claude, late as always and you haven't changed by one bit I see. It would be quite odd if you had though. I much prefer you to be this way." Hilda said with a mocking giggle and gave Claude a nostalgic look. I smiled slightly at the messy man beside me.

"Please Hilda, I'm trying my best here! Also, who's this?" Claude questioned with curiosity and a bright smile, once he noticed the also pink-haired little boy next to Hilda.

The little boy stuck his tongue out at Claude, leaving the brown-haired royal speechless in shock. I tried to hold in a chortle at this, earning me a glare from Claude.

"This is my son, Haden! Isn't he the cutest?" Hilda said with pride, and pushed the little boy in front of her to show him off.

"You have a son now? What?! You're the last person I had expected to have a child this early after the war!" Claude shouted and gaped at the young man before him.

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